
My 18 mo old is 23.6 lbs. We have a child life jacket for 30-50 lbs. Will that be ok for boating?

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or should we get a toddler life jacket?




  1. Toddler(large)

  2. you need an infant life jacket not a child... there is a distinct design difference.

  3. No, just like everyone else stated, they make them in the different sizes for a few reasons.  Children that small arent strong swimmers, the float differently than larger kinds, etc.  So not only is it a safety issue, you will be ticketed if stopped and you'd be on here asking why.  So dont take the chance, spend the 15 bucks and have your toddler properly protected.

  4. No, it is to big. Don't take the chance of the baby falling out of it.

  5. Get the exact size, please

  6. Get one that fits or leave the baby at home with a sitter.

  7. Toddlers and infants have different buoyancy than kids and adults and for this reason life jacked designed for kids will not save toddler's life even if it fits well.  

  8. You need to get one tha fits properly, God forbid something happens you will be glad you did it, it needs to fit secure.


  9. i wouldnt chance it, get one that fits.

  10. Get a toddler life jacket. There's a reason there are weight requirements on flotation devices. The last thing you want is your child to slip out of it.

  11. With a child so young, I definitely wouldnt take the chance.

    If it were a 15 yo kid at 140lbs and had a 150-175lbs jacket, it would be fine, as he/she would probably be a fairly competant swimmer. But with a young child with little or no swimmimg experience, dont risk it.

  12. Definitely todler.

    Better safe than sorry.

  13. U S Coast Guard Regulations says that you shall have a properly fitted life jacket for everyone on your boat. A child size life jacket is not properly fitted on an infant or toddler.

    Get the infant/toddler size life jacket. There are three very important features to infant/toddler life jackets. #1 it has head support that will keep the baby's head above water. #2 It has a grab handle hehind the kneck that you can use to pick the baby out of the water and #3 It has a strap that goes between the baby's legs to keep them from slipping out of the life jacket.

    At a cost of $16-$50, it may be the best spent money on your boat.

    Happy and safe boating.

  14. it depends on how big the baby is. babies are delimitecious and i wouldnt want you to take a chance with a larger life jacket.

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