
My 18 mon old son has a weird whelp like rash around his waist where the diaper fits.?

by  |  earlier

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It started out like little bite like rashes in 3 spots and then they turned into 3 big red whelps. It is really hot right now where we are and he does suffer from heat rash if it is real hot, but this is different. Just wanted to hear from others on the matter I am going to see if I can get him in the Doc's in the morning. Thanks!




  1. Maybe the diaper is cutting into his side, its possible that its too tight like clothes do when they don't fit properly.  Is the top of the diaper sharp?

  2. if he doesn't p**p in his sleep let him go without diaper tonight

  3. What kind of diapers?  My son breaks out like that when I use store brand diapers.

    Just get some Aveeno Oatmeal Bath, that stuff is awesome!

  4. Could be a spider bite. If he scratches it allot and it is not getting any better withing 3-4 days, it could also be bed bugs. Thos succers can feed on human blood only once a year and so most people have no clue they have them. One or two is enough. They also are active at night, and are so tiny and flat that they are very hard to catch.

  5. The diaper is either too tight on him or the brand you are using has caused him to break out. He might also be sweating where the waist is, causing the area to become irritated. Try loosening the diaper and putting some ointment on the infected waist.

  6. it is most likley a diaper rash. he can get that if the diaper is moist and damp.

  7. Could he be allergic to something in that brand of diapers? My daughter couldn't wear Huggies because she'd break out like you described.

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