okay, in the morning he caulls for me or just winges, i get up, and change his nappy, then come down stairs... BUT this morning...he woke me up by winging, which usually means hes got his leg caught in one of the bars of his cot (he likes to sit at the end of his cot with his leds thro he bars...then call me) lol so i rushed in...and he was actually balencing on the top of his cot...like he had pulled himself up on to the bar and was tummy down (like he was trying to climb over!) and was just there! he could have fallen! ipulled him down and put him back in his cot to fetch a nappy from the landing,(i was still watching him) and he started to pull himself upp again! i put him back in several times, standing rite next to him and he kept doing it! what if he does this one morning and actually falls? i mean he could go head first! if he was standing in his cot the bar would come up to about his shoulders! and thats the highest the bar goes! i cant put him in a bed becase he still sleeps verry awkwardly ..upwards, backwards sideways! he likes to move around alot, now ive had a look and found these beds...
which would mean...he couldnt fall out, but would also be able to climb out if he wanted, without getting hurt and then put a baby gate on his door ( he cant climb over them ) but is it safe to let the toodler run round his room by himself? all the sockets are coverd, nothing heavy for him to pull down, the only thing he really has in his room is his bed and toys...i dont no, what do u think? is there any safer way? did your baby ever do this? thanks xx