
My 18 month old is driving me nuts with food?

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My son bless his heart has been a total pain lately- he wont eat anything I give him - all he wants is bannanas american cheese or pb and j. no veggies no nothing! please help me figure out what i can give him. he has started doing this thing now where he either throws the food off his tray or will put it in his mouth and then puke it up!!!!!! ugh!!!!




  1. ever tried other (odd) food?

    some fruits and vegetables you try, he might not like, so maybe he thinks all fruits/ vegetables will be that way.

    ever have him try squash? How about mangos? papaya? Ever try glazed carrots (some call them candied carrots)?

    Give him a lot of more options, see what he likes.

  2. Don't worry! Most toddlers pick two or three foods they like. Keep offering, but respect his tastes. If mealtime isn't a battle, he might give those veggies a taste. Then again, he might not. My daughter was the same way (except I would've killed for her to eat cheese) and now she eats more foods..even cheese. But not many veggies. :( Still, she never met a fruit she didn't like, so I'll take it.

  3. Don't you love that independence? lol! My daughter did and still does the same thing. She's 22 months now.. but if she doesn't want it.. she WILL NOT eat it. She is all about bananas and cheese too.. and I just keep reminding myself that at least it's bananas and cheese and not ice cream and cheetos. :)

    He'll grow out of that. Just keep introducing him to new things and eventually he'll figure out something else he likes. Don't be surprised if he only wants THAT everyday for a week.. but then he'll switch to something else. :)

  4. I agree with Janadee

    At least it is fruit and dairy.

    My son was kinda like that too. He is 5 now and still LOVES his bananas ans cheese but when I make dinner and its ready to serve he'll come ask what it is and if he doesn't like it he doesn't eat, I am not a chef and will not cook everybody a separate meal.

    I will give him the option of Banana and cheese or hot dog and cheese for something to eat but this is usually later when he is really hungry and his tummy hurts.

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