We just went to my daughters 18 month check up and her doctor referred her to a speech pathologist in town because she has not said her first world clearly yet. She says mama but its more of a babble and mostly only when she's mad so its more of a scream. She can also bark like a dog, moo like a cow, and meow like a kitty. Is that normal to make animal noises before words? She is very active and can wave hello and good bye. She has a very strong attachment to me, I nursed her for 13 months exclusively and she has never been in daycare, although she will be starting in the next month. Many children I see younger than her are speaking, I am worried there is something wrong with her. Her doctor said she should be saying at least six words. I don't want to make a big deal out of nothing but if there is something wrong I would like to know and be able to diagnosis as early as possible, I guess thats why we were referred to the speech pathologist. If anyone has any advice on this we'd really appreciate it. Thanks