
My 18 mouth old son wont sleep all nite. help?

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I give him as mush as he wants to eat all day, TRY NOT TO LET HIM SLEEP TO LONG IN THE DAY. what else is thier to do?




  1. Is he waking up at the same time every night? If so, you need to break the cycle. Wake him up an hour before he would normally wake up for a few nights. He should be fine afterwards.

    Though your best bet will be getting a book "The Baby Whisperer". Can't remember who by. It is a great technique and beats the h**l out of some of the crazy alternatives

  2. black out his windows with dark cardboard.

    he could be woken up by the sunlight.

    put a sippy of water where he can reach it, and don't offer anything else until breakfast time

    check he is not too warm or cold in the night

    is he being woken up by a full nappy/diaper? try changing him just before you go to bed

  3. Babies need to have a nap during the day - usually an hour and a half is good time. If they don't have a long enough nap then they get really grouchy and moody and fight going to sleep when you take them to bed later on.

    Also try giving your little one a bath and some warm milk just before bedtime. Snuggle up with him and read him a story. Stroke his hair too. It has a calming effect on babies. Sing to him too if you want to.

  4. I just had my first full night of sleep in about 3 weeks with my 18 month old son.  We follow a regular bedtime pattern (3 books and pjs etc) and then we used the ferber method starting 3 nights ago.  Do this both when you put him to bed and for any wakings in the middle of the night.  We also started putting him down a little later 45 mins to make sure he was really tired.

    Whichever person puts him down should be the one to go in - don't change the same evening.

    Basically you put him down, wait 3 minutes, go in give him back his blankets/pacifier if he uses them pat his back and say some nice words - stay no longer then 1 minute and leave.

    Then wait 5 additional minutes and do the exact thing using the same words. basically don't be interesting or change your approach. Then wait 7 minutes repeat and then 10 minutes (continue at every 10 minutes until he falls asleep)

    The next night the times are 5,7,10,12 and keep increasing from there. It shouldn't take more then 3-5 days to see results.

    Like I said it took 3 nights and I'm hoping it sticks!!!

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