
My 18 year old cat is sick and it's killing me!

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I have an 18 y/o black persian that has been an indoor cat all her life. She hasn't had any health problems her entire life, but 3 days ago she stopped eating and has been lethargic and hiding in places she never goes. She usually has a voracious appetite and is constantly around me whenever I'm at home. I took her to the vet on Friday and they ran blood work on her to check for thyroid and/or kidney disease. The vet called yesterday and her blood work is normal. She's still not eating, so I've been force feeding kitten formula with a needle-less syringe. She growls and hates it, but I don't want her to die of starvation before I take her to the vet tomorrow for more tests and an xray.

Does anyone have any ideas or advice for me and my cat's illness? It kills me to see her sick and miserable...




  1. Hi there... glad to hear your cat will recover.  Geriatric cats are very prone to kidney insufficiency and hyperthyroidism.  Ideally, it's quite helpful to have your cat examined annually in order to keep on top of the geriatric disorders which can prolong a cat's life.

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