
My 18 year old son has dyslexia and it is making it difficult for him to study well. How can he be helped?

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My son's dyslexia is a real handicap and I'm sure that it makes life more difficult for him than it should be. I want to help him. I am told that he has left to right dyslexia and top to bottom dyslexia. Can he be helped? Large print? Special fonts? Use of computers? Use of tinted transparent sheets? Special lighting? Some kind of training? Some kind of brain reprogramming? Other special techniques? Short term and long term solutions would be welcome.




  1. Get him to learn computers,i went to college with someone that had dyslexia,and to be honest,his writing was like a chicken had walked over it,however,he was a whizz in front of a computer,and what he said to me was that with a computer,you learn where the keys are,it made his life a lot less complicated,so that's what i would suggest

  2. minimal lighting , tinted paper

  3. Hi.

    You will find some useful information here

    hope this helps

  4. He needs an assessment and advice on assistive technology from an expert. Start with his school / college.

    I use a blue background on my pc - easy to change and a font called 'lexia' - it's a font designed so that letters look different. You can get it as a free download.

  5. Certainly I would make sure that all special help that was available was accessed and usually that needs a formal diagnosis / assessment.

    It will be difficult to avoid text and reading altogether, but any ways to bypass the necessity will make it easier for him when he cannot avoid it.  For example, there are lots of sound resources and podcasts that can be used on a computer or mp3 device - search for educational podcasts or search for specific resources (for example I located a lovely 1950's radio production of 'of mice and men' for his GCSE's.  Here is just one link that might be of use

    Also, the mindmapping software Inspiration was first used in the UK to help dyslexics - it actually has a much wider use for all abilities.  As well as being very visual rather than text orientated, the text and symbol names can be read out loud and listened to  you could download a trial and use the tutorials to show how to use it see

    The Adobe reader will read out loud any pdf file

    The Sassoon family of fonts were created for readability - their ascenders and descenders are not squashed like many computer fonts and therefore are easier to read for many.  Other research suggests that when Sassoon fonts are not available, a slightly italic arial font is helpful.

  6. a student with similar circumstances on my degree got to do exams on a computer, was allowed extra time etc etc

    most colleges/unis will have their own department that'll offer help.

  7. try speaking to a helper or a councillor

  8. There is a lot of money out there for this issue talk to the special needs dep at your school they with screen and diagnos him properly and then he will be issued with a free laptop with a programme to aid dyslexia. Coloured filters are for people suffering from Irlens Syndrome and not dyslexia, he may also have irlens as many who have dyslexia also have Irlen's, so you could ask at your school for him to be screened for Irlens also.

  9. if he's still at school then the special needs dept or disability dept will be able to give u lots of advice and also help him out.  I'm at uni and have had problems with my back and they have been unbelievably helpful

  10. well, if u are able to take time for him, do spend time reading together, involve the family as well if possible, crack  a lot of  jokes  while studying, do not get irritated  for his mistakes, try to be patient  as much as possible, yes the net is a good medium, interactive cds, set realistic goals for him, award him for little things....chocolate , treats, and ya try out  simple exercises-breathing exercises that improves concentration,ya the above things do help, make everything more that he gets intrigued by it , and inculcates interest, though things might take not lose hope at all, have faith in god , visit the temple/church/ mosque(sorry, if i haven't mentioned  the others).. with your son, keep  encouraging your matter what..coz life is all about  facing the obstacles and emerging out of the battle as a winner.  will pray to god  for our son.!!!

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