Today early morning my daughter started having bad diarrhea. She wants to only drink milk and water. I called her dr. cuz she go a REAL BAD diaper rash cuz of her diarrhea. its soo bad that she screams and shakes when i try to change her diaper. I feel soo bad for her i dont no what to do. Her dr d=said not to give water but that's all she is drinking. ne1 can help me out? and also her last 2 diaper changes herr ppo was BLACK. i just got off the pone with her dr. and she said the black means blood. soo im just upset. i will take her to the emergenct room but she is sleeing right now. she was up all night, and 1 last thing. she has no fever and runs around the house playing. sooo she is not acting any diffrerent, but she did throw up once today. i just want some answers for now (until she wakes up, maybe some other mom been through the smae thuing...) anyway thanks a bunch for ur time