
My 18month old has a fever of 102.7. I gave her fever reducer, what should I give her to eat?

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My 18month old has a fever of 102.7. I gave her fever reducer, what should I give her to eat?




  1. She need liquids.  Maybe jello or broth.  If you want something on her stomach because of the medicine, try a little toast.

  2. 102.7 IS MY RADIO STATION !!!!!

    But is a very high temp take evasive action  

  3. At that age, you should bring her to a doctor. 102.7 is extremely high for an adult, but for toddlers and babies it can be dangerous.

  4. Nothing but cool juices and a trip to her doctor or ER if you can't get that fever down and keep it down. With a tempt that high she won't want to eat anything and your probably having a hard time keeping her awake. A high temp such as this can cause brain damage in a child.

  5. If she won't eat make sure she is drinking fluids.  Get her some Pedialyte at the store and make sure she drinks that.  If her stomach is upset don't make her eat.  It will only cause her to vomit and that could lead to more dehydration.

    You can try the BRAT diet as soon as she wants to eat something.  It stands for: bananas, rice, applesauce and toast.  These are fairly bland foods and cause little stomach upset.

    She maybe teething and that could be causing her fever.  You didn't say if she was sick or not.  If her fever doesn't break soon or goes up you should get her to the doctor to be examined.

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