
My 19 year old daughter is 22 weeks pregnant?

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Is this a good time to sit her down and have the birds and bees chat?




  1. No your grandchild will need a playmate.  LOL

    (God there's some miserable people on here tonight)

  2. You missed the boat on this one.

    You should have talked to her like 5 years ago.

    Besides she is an adult and can have a baby.

    I hope your not serious.

  3. umm i think she should know about that by now.

    so idk.

  4. little too late for that, don't you think? she's 19. she's not a little girl anymore, just a teen who made some rash choices.

  5. ye best do it now before it's too late

    you don't want her to ruin her life.

  6. from looking at your other questions...

    your 14 and have a 19 year old daughter?

  7. I think she already knows about the birds and the bees from personal experience.  You should of started the talks about 10 years ago.

  8. yes go ahead and make a comlete fool of yourself

    you should have had this conversation years ago

  9. i think not

  10. Sure & then show her a painful video of someone giving birth.

  11. Absolutely! She might've missed out on something important 22 weeks ago... like the condom part.  :)

  12. Lol.....

  13. good luck with that one nan

  14. Whoops, too late, I think you missed out on that one!

  15. Well you obviously did a great job with that one. Maybe you should have had the balls to talk to her about it before she was interested in trying it.

    Bit late now huh

  16. 10 years too late hun.

    The only thing you can possibly do now is support her throughout the remainder of her pregnancy.

  17. yep u should, shes lucky to have her mom beside her during her pregnancy. last yr wen i was pregnant me and my mom werent talking to each other.

    talk to her and she'll appreciate it, im sure this will mean alot and help her to see her future more clearly

  18. Might be a bit late or is she thinking of taking up ornithology whilst expecting?

  19. yeah, she needs to kno whats shes in for,  dont come on to strong. just ask her how she'll cope and what she needs to be able to do.  buy her a baby book, and be involved in the babys life.  good luck to you &her x

  20. Lol... I hope this is a joke..

    Your about 7 years too late I'm afraid, sounds like your a really irresponsible parent too, I hope you don't pass it on to her kids

  21. I think it's a little too late to have that talk.  I would have that talk starting when she had her period or when they were wanting to have s*x education in elementry school.

    She might think your a little lame for NOW wanting to have this chat. Just be there for her in this time of change in her life and guide her.

    If she thinks she is old enough to have s*x with a man, hopefully used protection but seeing it didn't help if she did. Then she old enough to own up to her responsibilities of having adult choices in s*x!!!!

    good luck

  22. well i think it is alittle to late to give her the birds and the bee chat. But she already knew what she was doing when it was going on. I got pregnant at 17 almost 18 and now i am 19 (well in 16 days) and have a 9 month old daughter. Just help your daughter out and be thier for her.

    This is what you should tell her

    get a job (if she does not have one)

    babys dad get a job (if not have one)

    raise her baby the best she can

    its okay to ask for help (but dont let her depend on you for everything)

    she can still go to college to become what she wants (will take longer but can be done)

    and what ever else you want to add

  23. I think it's a bit too late for that!

  24. You should've talked about this before she got pregnnat. Most kids now are asking to have the talk by telling them that they're pregnant. It's a shame that your daughter, along with many other stupid, idiotic, no-condom-or-birth-control users are ruining America. :( *tear*

  25. Yes - hurry

    she needs to know all about bees, the baby might have an alergy.

    and birds - everyone likes birds

  26. Well it might be a little late since she is already 22 weeks pregnant dont ya think?

  27. I think you might have missed the boat on that one!!

    The best chat that you can have with her now, is about labour and your experience of bringing up a baby.

    Good luck to her :)

  28. I told you to have this chat with her 23 weeks ago.I guess you didn't listen to my words of wisdom:(

  29. lol, only if she thinks her name is mary! Otherwise, I fear you're a little late there hun ;-)

  30. I think she already understands the birds and the bees. If she is pregnant. I think you need to talk to her more about how to be safe and about labour and such.

  31. Heya

    Im afraid you've left it a tad too late. sorry.

    =] x*x

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