ok, i know i asked this on another account but i'm asking again because im adding more detail in this question.
heres the deal, she's 19, i'm 25. i'm done with college, i'm an engineer and i made a good amount of money. she's supposed to be starting college in the fall but decided she doesn't want to because she's rather 'have a baby and take care of the baby'. i tell her no that she should go to college and get an education and a good job first. even though, i CAN support both of us even if she's not working.
when i tell her no she whines and even starts crying sometimes and it makes me feel bad. even though we ARE financially stable to have a baby, she's not ready. she always gets into an argument and says 'all her friends have babies except for her and she wants a baby to love and care for'! even her MOTHER and her are talking about babies!
i'm scared that she'll stop taking her birth control and she'll start trying to have a baby without me knowing. it makes me feel bad when she cries and i want her to be happy. what do you think?