
My 19 yr old was in a car going home and got a PI, should he have got a PI?

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He was not driving he had a designated driver. Him and 2 other of his friends were arrested and the driver was allowed to leave. He had to stay the night and paid 268.00 to get out of jail and he will go in front of a judge August 28th. He was finger printed and photographed, this doesnt sound like a 3rd misdemeanor. They were all under age. He has never had a speeding ticket or anything, so please tell me how bad it can be. We dont have enough money to pay for a lawyer.




  1. It's called Underage Consumption of Alcohol. I did it too, I was just lucky enough to not get caught

  2. Depending on the jurisdiction ... it can get pretty bad.  He needs a lawyer for this, I wouldn't even try defending myself on the charges he could be facing without one.  

    For the charge of public intoxication to be valid he does not need to be driving.  If he is intoxicated and in public ... well, that just about does it!  Police usually use this charge in cases where the subject was acting aggressive or not cooperating with officers on the scene.

    If the charge of Minor in possession of alcohol/ minor consuming alcohol gets added (it probably will be) he has a whole new list of problems, including loss of driving privileges, mandatory alcohol counseling, in some places he might wind up wearing an ankle bracelet that monitors his BAC 24/7.

    He messed up BIG ... he needs a lawyer, if he can't afford one, let the court appoint one for him!

  3. He's shouldn't have broke the law then. Sounds perfectly normal procedure to me. I don't agree with it, and it sucks, but that's how it it. sorry.

  4. This question is missing one important bit of information.  Where did this occur?  Different states have different laws, so it will depend on the jurisdiction and what that state's laws call for.  Also, it will depend on what he was charged with.  If, for instance, the legal drinking age in the state is 21, then he could be charged with underaged drinking, and, depending on how the law is written, being drunk in public.  Does the "PI" in your message mean "Public Intoxication?"  If so, it will really depend on how the jurisdiction defines public intoxication - in some jurisdictions, his being in a car on a public highway might be enough.  In others, however, if the only reason he was "in public" was the officer making him exit the car, he will likely be okay.

    BTW - since your son is 19, if he cannot afford an attorney, he should be able to get a court-appointed attorney or a public defender.

  5. What is a PI? Why was the car pulled over? You brother could have been charged with underage drinking thats about the only thing that seems reasonable.

  6. He made the arresting officer angry.That is the only explanation.Legally the officer has the right to force the law to the T, if he chooses to.

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