
My 1994 camaro dosent start!!?

by  |  earlier

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i switched out my old gauage cluster with a 2000 z28 guage cluster know it dosent want to turn on ,so then i put back my old gauge cluster and still dosent wanna turn on ,it did work fine before i messed with it.dose anybody think that me disconnecting all the wires will send the camaro to a automatic shut-down.if so how do i reverse this?




  1. first, check all the fuses. then try disconnecting the battery then reconnecting it after 15 minutes. make sure you didnt accidently unplug any wires to the ignition switch. i've never heard of this happening but it is possible it has a security feature.. if none of this works call a chevy dealership and ask to speak to a tech who can resolve your problem, and tell the tech exactly what you did. he may know what to do. good luck

  2. Take off the positive (+) red terminal of your battery and do the same with the negative(-) black terminal. Hold the positive cable with your left hand and the negative cable with your right hand. then proceed to make contact with them by smacking them together with a little force and when you have that accomplished, then connect them back to the right corresponding terminals of the battery.....Good Luck!!!!! That should reset everything!!!!

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