
My 19yr old little brother is strongly thinking about enlistment. What are the pros and cons. ?

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He either wants to go into the technical side or the military police side. But either way he will probably be heading overseas! His mother and father divorced when he was two and he grew up around three women. He is a softy! I love him so much and I am just worried about him getting into something he may not be prepared for. Don't get me wrong, enlistment is a very honorable thing, but I don't think it is great for everyone! Please fill me in on all the pros and cons I need to know!

Thank you all!




  1. Give him a chance, if this is what he wants to do, maybe he's not as soft as you think.  Support him in his choice.

    I don't think there are cons.  A lot of people might say going to Iraq is a con, but do firefighters consider going to a fire a con of their job?  I guess some would, but most don't look at it that way.  

    The pros are obvious, medical coverage, paid vacation, steady income, travel, education benefits, and you gain experience as well.  

    My sister graduated from college in December, it took her 7 months to find a job.  She interviewed a lot, but everyone wanted someone with experience.  She finally found a spot with a company only making $12.50 an hour.  

    I have not finished my degree yet, but yet I started at my last job at $17.51 an hour plus an extra $21 a day for gas.  I was hired because of my experience in the military.  I am working on my degree still so I will be worth even more.

  2. Pros: hes helping his country

    Cons: he could die

  3. cons>serving in a war of dubious necessity. Death. Disfigurement. Paraplegia. Being treated like **** when he comes back because he is no longer a beautiful young person.

    pros>perhaps it will make him a stronger person. First hhand exposure to the rest of the world (at least the parts that are occupied by our forces.

    Maybe it will enlighten him.

  4. I spent twenty great years in the army. Was married, raised two wonderful kids ,went to two wars,and then retired. The military was where i went from being immature adult to a mature adult. I have never dreaded a day of my military service. Your brother may not make a career out of the service but it will certainly help him mature. He will be a better and more honorable man.

  5. PROS>

    CONS> Death and an endless list

  6. The fact that he is a softy is great.  They'll toughen him up, provide discipline and training, a sense or purpose and camaraderie, and allow him to see some of the world.  

    But you are right.  He'll almost certainly wind up in Iraq or Afghanistan at some point unless things change dramatically.

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