She's my eldest and has had a bday party every year so far, and even when I was "broke" one year, I managed to throw a decent pool party with about 20 parents/kids. Anyway, it's no surprise that time$ are $uper-hard and I just can't do it this year. So I'm forced to be creative but let's be real here, just how much could $100 bucks do? How far can I stretch that almighty dollar? I'm extremely grateful and open to any suggestions on how to spend the day. Oh, and here's the kicker - it's gotta be for the birthday Girl (turning 8) of course, myself, my gorgeous husband, 2½ year old (aka "terrible 2's") son and 10-month old baby girl. We may or may not be able to get a sitter for her but still, that's FIVE (or four) people! I need some serious help with planning this EXTRA-special birthday. Help??
btw, the cake is already taken care of. (whew!)
P.S. I don't want to just spend the $100 on a gift, I'd much rather have the whole day be the gift. U feel me? =]