
My 2 1/2 year old is still clingy?

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My daughter has always been very clingy with me. She has her reasons due to us moving a lot in her early infancy. But we have now been settled for over a year in the same home and she still follows me all the time and cries if I (mom) walk out of the room to mop the floor or even if I just want some space to check e-mails.

What can I do to get her to be more independent in her play and activities at home? I devote so much attention to her already and just want to encourage her to initiate her own type of 'play'. Her brother is one year younger and he plays constantly in his own world. My 2 year old has no delays and is extremely intelligent but just wants me all the time and I feel I can't stretch myself enough for her these days.




  1. You could consider setting up a short play-date with a child in the neighborhood her age. Keep it short and sweet but stay in her sight so she can get used to the presence of other children her age. If she manages to play with the other child without being too clingy to you, set up a few more. While she is playing with the child in the next play date try leaving the room for a minute and see if she reacts.  If she doesn't,  next time try a couple more minutes. Soon she may be used to the distraction and be comfortable playing with a few entertaining toys or a video if you leave the room for a  short time.

  2. Your daughter is clearly insecure with the idea of you leaving.  She cries because she is afraid that you will not come back.  You can't make her feel more secure by attempting to make her more independent - you can only make her feel more secure by being with her.  In a few years, she's going to go to school, have her own friends, and start growing up.  Cherish the time that she's with you!

    Let her be in the room with you, but set her up with her own activity - crayons, blocks, dollies, etc.  Tell her that you love her, and that you have some things to do.  Tell her you'll both "play" on your own for a little bit, then play together later.

  3. try going to the park and letting her play with some other kids.

  4. does she enjoy books or dolls? I set my just turned 3 yo up with a pile of books and she's good for an hour... she turned 3 last week, and plays with her dolls and stuffed animals all the time. whatever she likes... distract her. keep in mind she won't be clingy forever.

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