My 2 1/2 year old daughter seems to have serious behavior problems. Both me and my husband have a fair share of "mental problems." I have severe anxiety, depression and been diagnosed with mild ADHD. my problems are medicated and under control as best as can. My husband has been diagnosed at a young age with pretty bad ADHD, in school he was in classes for being ADHD and Classified "E.D." My daughter is showing all the classic symptoms that he also shows for ADHD, and some days I cant handle it. I dont know what to do with her, I also have a 9 month old I take care of. I told my husband I was considering going to see if she had ADHD, and possible medication. he flat out refuses to get her medicated. He was medicated with ritilan as a kid, and it made him into a zombie, he drooled on himself and got lots of bloody noses. He dosent want her to go onto Adderal because its "as addictive as crystal meth" and he dosent want to put her on it. I dont know what to do.