
My 2 1/2 yr. old daughter cries when I drop her off at day care...

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I used to drop her off with her breakfast and she had no problems. But it has become a crutch for her so I stopped doing that, and now she cries everytime I drop her off whether I bring her food or not. She grabs hold of me and won't let go. She loves her teachers at the daycare, but I don't know what to do.




  1. I am wondering why you took her breakfast away? It seemed to help. Why don't you go back to doing that? Why are you thinking it is a "Crutch" for her??

    **Maybe you could give her a picture of you and tell her that whenever she misses you instead of crying she should take the picture out and talk to it. We gave my daughter a picture of me and my husband to take to day care with her in a plastic refrigerator magnet frame. The providr at day care said it did help her (this was after I was home with her for 4 months while I was on maternity leave with her younger sister). She became comfortable being at home and not at day care and then she had to return, so she needed someting to help her get through her serparation anxiety period. Pretty soon it was back to normal where I would drop her off and she would run to play with her friends and just throw me a kiss as she ran off.

  2. My kids started this - right after 2 other new boys started.  These boys would cry and cling every morning.  A few days later, ours started it too.

  3. I would ask and be observant if there is any changes at daycare. Also I would keep with a good bye routine cause it sounds like separation anxiety, which is normal. A good bye routine would be you bring her in, go to her cub-by help her put her things away and then tell her you love her and you will be back. Try not to drag it out cause that will just make it harder for both of you. But be CONSISTENT in whatever way you say goodbye. That's what will be the most helpful, children need  consistencey.  

  4. maybe she likes (and expects) the attention being given to her when she does hang on for dear life... i once heard that children and adults are often deprived of the one thing they need the most. a lot of people would say just to ignor her but i think it's important to make her feel safe and secure before ignoring her. she is only 2 so she might not fully understand what you are trying to explain but do your best. also pick your battles... if all she needs to feel safe, loved and comfortable with mom leaving her at daycare is a little bit of breakfast then i would leave her breakfast with her :> poor thing... i can't imagine being dropped off everyday away from mom... it's confusing for the child.

  5. Go back to breakfast!

  6. Its separation anxiety. Alot of kids go through this. Does she cry once you have gone, or does she settle down? If she settles, then nothing to worry about. Probably more painful for mum then bubs :)

  7. I would check into that, it maybe another child that is messing with her or it maybe a teacher, I had this problem with my Daughter one time, so I started making surprise visits, and put it this way the teacher loss her job not only because I complain but some other parents was complaining also. Is this her first time being away from you?  Because sometimes that can be it also.

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