
My 2 1/2 yr. old refuses to do anything...?

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My 2 1/2 yr. old was as good as gold and now that he is almost 3 (in 2 weeks) he's a monster! He fights me on everything and when my husband or I try to talk to him he will plug his ear's and say he don't have to.




  1. the 3's are the new terrible twos....My son was horrible...I missed him being 2...but you have to stick to your guns and let him know who runs the house.  Enforce time outs when he gets out of hand...uphold with restrictions...only then will he learn...and it takes a while but you need to stick with it.  My son is almost 4 now...and occasionally he has an outburst here and there...but over all is well behaved because he knows not to get out of hand with mom and dad

  2. Well YOU are the parent, you just show him that he does have to!  You pull those fingers out of his ears and MAKE him mind!

  3. lol

    Welcome to the terrible twos. Well, belated welcome. I don't think my daughter hit her terrible twos until she was almost 3. And she's still in it a year later.

    Don't get angry. Kids think it's hilariously funny to see Mom and Dad get angry. Stay calm. For my daughter, I think a lot of it was that she wanted to do it in her own time. I did the "1, 2, 3," thing, and if she didn't comply by the time I hit 3, she would have to go in the naughty chair.

    Also... get a kitchen timer. One that ticks slowly and has a nice dwinggggg at the end. That's really good for setting limits. Like, they have 15 minutes to read books. Ten minutes until it's time to leave and go to the store. Ten minutes until it's time to pick up your toys. Five minutes until bath time. Three minutes on the naughty chair.  etc. It makes them feel like they have some semblance of control over what they're doing.

  4. Your gonna have to be firm with him if you don't then he is gonna be firm with you.

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