
My 2 and a half year old is obsessed with Batman and Spiderman

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And she is a girl. She can't go a day without wearing her spiderman costume and when I take her to get movies out she wants the Batman ones, but not the cartoon ones, the 'real' ones. Do you think Batman movies are too violent for my little girl? I don't know why she likes him but she just loves superhero men




  1. BOTH of those movies are TOO violent for a child of EIGHT!!!  

    Looks like mom needs someone to hold HER hand when it comes to making a decision about which movie her child should see!  Good luck with those psychiatry bills when she becomes a teenager!  Hopefully, she doesn't STAB you in the middle of-the-night prior to this!

    QUIT trying to be her friend and START being her MOTHER!!!

  2. Two year old children are completely unaware of gender stereotypes.  Her liking Batman/Spiderman is totally normal.  My daughter (turning 3 in October) also had Batman pjs which she loved wearing, and even wore them for Halloween last year.  Also, she loves watching Power Rangers.  And she pushes around trucks with my son.  My son, who is 15 months, likes to play with my daughter's play kitchen.  :)

  3. Batman should be ok.  I'm not sure about Batman Returns.  Don't bring her to the Dark Knight.  Batman Begins should be ok.

  4. I have never watched the movies, either so Im not sure if they are too violent. but remember she is only 2 and the violence is unrealistic and wont really bother her now as much as it may when she is 4.  check the ratings and then go by your own insticts. I let my kids watch the Transformers (4 and 5) and it's rated PG13. Thats the only PG13 movie they have ever watched but it doesn't seem to bother them.

    Dont worry about her loving them. Let her wear the costumes. Its sweet! Its a phase and when she outgrows it you will probably miss it.


  5. I am a girl and I love Batman. When I was little to all I wanted was Batman this and Batman that. I am surprise I didn't drive my mom crazy. But my mom got me the movies about Batman and I watched them all the time and didn't get scared. I mean I know the new ones are different but I think she will be fine. So get her all the batman stuff and she will love you forever!!!!

  6. Who doesn't love Super hero men? she could do a lot worse then liking good, honorable and upstanding men :)

    It's just a phase, don't get carried away with buying things associated with it, it'll pass and then they'll be hundreds of pounds worth of merchandise on the scrap heap along with Bob The Builder, Ariel, Nemo etc...

  7. The new batman movie 'The Dark Knight' may be too violent for her. I suggest buy her the cartoon series of either Batman or Spiderman.

    I watched 'The dark knight', and it was a tad freaky and scary, with lots of violence. I remember watching the titanic when I was 4, and the loud sounds scared me alot, even enough to have the memory of watching it untill now. I'm 17 now. She may like Batman, but this movie is completely different to what Batman normally is.

  8. Hi -

    my daughter is the same. She is now 4 and although she loves girly things, she was also a big fan of Lighting McQueen and Thomas the tank engine. She has Lightning sheets, remote control cars, she has a full thomas train set and lots of thomas books etc. It is a pain sometimes because clothing designers assume certain things for boys and certain things for girls. I have had to shop in the "boys" clothing sections to get her Lightning and Thomas t-shirts!!

    As to your q - maybe some of the real ones may be a bit violent. The pg should be okay and also try cartoons etc.

  9. The movies are too violent for a 2 1/2 year old

  10. Shes A Kid, Let her Be, :) I Wish I Could Stil Fit A Batman Costume :D She'll Grow Out Of It.

  11. You can still get the batman episodes which are real people, i'm not sure where though, all of my cousins who are around 2-5 love them and so does my 5 year old brother.  

  12. My son was about that age when my hubby started watching bits of the real spiderman, superman, and batman movies and he loved them so much he asks to watch them.  He also loves the cartoons.  I would say that as long as you are watching with them so you can fast forward through the parts you don't want her to see it's fine.  My husband makes sure to fast forward through anything that is too graphic or too bloody and that kind of stuff, but my son loves to watch the superhero win and triumph over the bad guys - and I like it cause he truly believes the good guy always wins and we are also able to discuss how naughty those bad guys are!

  13. yeah the real ones are too violent

  14. She's a girl...Actually it's ok but since shes a girl make her wear somth more....girlish!!!

    But violent I wouldn't say....

  15. every kid goes threw a phase like that its totally normal dont worry about it soon she will move on to something else just let her be a kid its only a problem if she starts trying to repeat what she sees :)

  16. kids always love different things when there little i wouldnt worry  

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