
My 2 best friends are going away and didn't invite me!?

by  |  earlier

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I have these 2 best friends and they both decided to go to greece without me and they didn't even tell me about it. We're all so close why are they excluding me?




  1. Bring it up in a joking matter, not as serious. Try to keep your cool during the discussion and not get to emotionally involved. If they blow off your feelings then they aren't your true friends. Maybe they weren't aware of your feelings because of their excitement about the trip. If the subject comes up and they address it well..suck it up this time and forgive them. Support their trip but don't forget how they excluded you.

  2. you should ask them about it and maybe they just want to give you a surprise i know this may not be the best answer but ask them dont be afraid, you say they ARE your best friends and you should trust in them

  3. Believe me, if now they did not invite you for fan, they would  hide  if you would need some help . It is not yours friends. I sure you will  find a real friends

  4. You must be feeling gutted.  Are you low on cash or something?  Maybe they didnt wanna ask because they knew you wouldnt be able to afford it?

    When they get back you will need to ask them why they didnt invite you and tell them how its got to u

  5. Thats very not nice that they did not tell you.

    Ask them why.

    Parhaps they got angry for something and you dont know that.

    They are not a good friend now but telts hope that all will be fine for you.

  6. hey. In my view, this is a situation that you absolutely need to address with the both of them. I can see how this will have been very hurtful to you. From what i have experienced, this can be one of two things; a simple misunderstanding, or an unfair exclusion of yourself. Having had the same experience with some of my mates, sometimes it simply slips people's minds to ask because they have assumed(and correctly assumed in my case) that i have had no money at the time etc. This to me would be a sort of fair reason for someone not to/forget to ask you. However, if this a simple case of exclusion, then you need to speak to them. I would recommend speaking to them both individually and expressing how hurt you feel in a calm and fair way, this way they cannot possibly be unreasonable in their responses to you. (If they are, they i would consider your friendship with them all-together). The reason you need to address them individually is to avoid a potential "ganging up" situation; there is always less pressure in a one on one conversation than when you are trying to talk to two people about the same thing at the same time.

    Whatever happens, you need to talk to them about this in a cool and sensitive way, to try and get to the real reasons. And make sure its face to face as opposed to on the phone, from my experience its a-lot easier to get in an argument over the phone than it is when your with them. Remember that this may be a total misunderstanding, and try not to assume anything until you know its true.

    All the best and good luck

  7.        I Think They Forgot you or they are not your best freind,they must be best freind foreever.

  8. Obviously, you're not as close as you thought.....

  9. Maybe your not really their best friend.

  10. Confront them about it. That's probably something only they know. The other obvious answer is that they are evil.  

  11. gotta say i think you are asking the wrong people .

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