
My 2 best friends have turned really hot (model hot) over the winter holiday but i still look the same?

by  |  earlier

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They're great people, smart and really nice and we've been friends since forever but when we finally 'reuinited' after the holiday they looked so different and just so beautiful and i'm happy for them but the thing is that i still look not ugly or anything but i'm aware of the fact that they have become way prettier than me and i can't help but feel left out and even kinda left behind and i also feel like i might stop being able to relate to them because one of them actually got asked to join a modelling academy while she was at a coffee shop...what do you think i should do? how can i overcome these insecurities? They're very down to earth and i know that it wont get over their heads but i'm just worried..any advise would be very helpful...




  1. maybe u do look pretty.. its just the fact that u havent seen them for while,

    u just dont knoe it but maybe u to turn out hotter too

  2. you are still a teenager.. You are still on the stage where you are still developing all of your attributes

    there is what we call as "late bloomers" meaning that they dont really 'grew up'/develop that fast unlike other people.

    I know that it is annoying to know that your friends already have the model-look while you are left behind. But there will come a time where you will also develop & be hot.

    On the positive side, for late bloomers, they age later too..when they are already if your friends already got some wrinkles then you still have the youthful look on you.

    Just wait it out,hunny....

    Meanwhile, while your can just dress up. Dressing is one way to feel good. Try to find clothes that will match your body shape & will bring out your best asset.

    Try your best to let it not affect you so much..if you do, it might cause some 'crack' on your friendship'...

    Wishing you all the best!


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