
My 2 girls & I are on an apartment lease. I moved out first. money is owed who pays it.?

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My 2 girls and I signed a lease for a low income apartment. I moved out before they did. Is my name off of the lease when I move out? I also just found out there is money owed to this low income apartment who is responsible for the money owed? Thank You!




  1. Moving out does not terminate your responsibility. As long as the lease is in effect, you remain responsible.

    In this case, all 3 of you owe the money jointly and severally. This means that the landlord can go after all of you or any one of you. Generally, the landlord will go after the one who he has a better chance of collecting from.

  2. Your name does not erase itself from a lease when you move out.  The contract remains in force until it expires or is terminated in another fashion.  If three of you were on that lease, all three of you collectively owe the monies in question.

  3. the three of you owe the money.  did you inform the landlord you were moving?  if not you are still on the lease.

  4. If you never informed your landlord that you were moving then yes, your name is still on the lease.  How are they supposed to know that you moved?  The money owed is likely owed by all three of you.

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