
My 2 house geckos aren't eating the spiders and insects i give them the only thing they eat are crickets?

by  |  earlier

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crickets and i don't want to keep going back to the store to by 20 crickets from petland discounts what should i do




  1. So get a small world container (plastic) throw about 100 crickets in there with an apple or some other fruit to eat and provide moisture (also this is gut loading, providing nutrients through the food they eat) and that should keep the crickets for about a week. So you can still feed your geckos and not go to the store as often.

  2. well that what ur lizard prefers

  3. you can breed them yourself and its not that hard but i dont see the big deal in going to buy crickets in the store its probably the easiest part of taking care of the lizards also crickets are the most nutritious of the feeder insects so they are a bit of a necessity.  u could also get mealworms which arent as nutritious but are cheaper the only real problem is that they are a bit  harder for small lizards to swallow because of their shell

  4. dont fix what aint broke. maybe you should reconsider your choice of pet if going to the pet store is to much of a chore for you.

  5. i would just stick with the crickets because know if the stuff that you caught has been poisned hope that helps

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