
My 2 mo. old daughter sleeps in a Boppy pillow. How can I make an easy transition to her crib?

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She's been sleeping in it for about 3 weeks. I put her beside me in bed. I put her to sleep in that because she wouldn't sleep in her bassinet and at the time, we didn't have her crib mattress yet. She sleeps just fine it, but I'm ready to move her to her "big girl bed".




  1. I would get a sleep positioner I think the one I used was "inclined to sleep".  Where there is a wedge that makes her head/body incline slightly, and should have two triangle cushions on the sides to prevent her from rolling.  Just go slowly...she'll get used to it!!  Good Luck!

  2. put her and the boppy in her crib. Eventually when she is used to the crib you can try and take the boppy away. Start her slow- like one or two naps a day without it and then gradually dont let her sleep in it at all

  3. Do you swaddle her in the Boppy?  I would try just swaddling her and then putting her in the crib.

  4. start slowly with nap times also put somthing comforting in the crib with her. Shell get it eventually.. good luck

  5. I'm not so sure leaving her in the boppy is a safe idea. If she naps and your watching her than that's ok. But overnight, to be safe I'd put her in her crib. When my daughter was 3 months, we took her out of the pack in play in our room and put her in her room with her own crib. SHE LOVED IT!!! She ended up sleeping the night through when we made the transition. Than I felt guilty that I kept her in our room for so long. Good luck to you!! Just put her in her crib and let her get used to it. Don't go back to the boppy. Hope this helps!!

  6. But her boppy in the crib with her. Then eventually take the boppy away like at nap times and then take it away all together.

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