
My 2 month old is very gassy.. why????

by  |  earlier

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my daughter is 2 months old and she is very gassy. every move she makes she farts and sometimes it sounds really bad like her diaper is going to overflow with poo.. but theres nothing there..

she is on enfamil gentlease formula (very rarely) but mostly breastfed. i give her rice cereal at nite with her milk before bedtime but this started way before the rice... is it just cuz her system is new? or could it be something else? her next appt is sept 16 for her 2 mth checkup...




  1. Our daughter is now nearly six months. Your question made me laugh because it already seems a very long time ago that she was two months. She was mainly breastfed at that point, and she was a very farty baby. She's now mainly on formula, and the farting has subsided a little, but there are still some real stinkers now and then.

    I agree that it seems a bit early for her to be on solids, but I really don't think the gas  is anything to worry about. Babies f**t, sometimes it's very noisily and sometimes very smelly, but my understanding is that it is mainly due to the fact that their digestive system is still sorting itself out.

    Try to get a good video or two of her performance so you can embarrass her when she's older.

    (I'm a very evil daddy.)

  2. Why are you giving her rice cereal at such a young age? she's only two months and her digestive tract is still immature.I would suggest holding off on that at least until the 4-5 month mark (unless doc recommended it because of a medical problem or something)

    Some babies are naturally gassy and others just swallow a lot of air.Better they f**t it out then it stay inside causing gas pains! this happened with my nephew.If he ever showed signs of gas pains, his mom would give him gripe water.

    Most of the time he was fine farting it out though.

    My son was never a gassy baby.

    Some things that might help...burp your baby before,during and after feedings.If my son was at all gassy I would do this and the problem was solved.He also wasn't much of a cry baby so that helped a lot.

    Good luck!

  3. Id give up on the rice at night.  She is far too young for it.  Stick to the breast milk instead as that is by far the best thing for her right now.  Breastmilk contains so much good stuff for them, that may help cut down on the gassiness.  Try totally feeding her breastmilk and cut out the formula.  It may be confusing her system.  I totally breastfed my little girl and still do 7 months on (and weaning her now) and she was only a little gassy.  I do remember her being like this for a while and yes it does sound like they are going to poo for England.

    Honestly breastmilk is the best thing altogether!  x

  4. maybe shes getting it from you. what do u eat? ...makes ur breastmilk bad or good. no more soda and eat healthy. it will go away. just nake sure u burp her. and stick to one product not a bunch. i say give her regular formula for now. dont give podwer milk. that gives u gas and makes u constipated, get soncentrate. also rice creal is way to early. thats bad,. wait until shes at least 6 months to be giving her solids.  

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