
My 2 month old keeps crossing his eyes, How do I make him to stop?

by  |  earlier

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It scares me when he does that and I try to cover his eyes where he won;t be doing that at all. Has your baby ever done that and if so what did u do for him to stop.




  1. That is totally normal.  All young babies do that, and there is nothing you can or should do to stop it.

  2. dont worry he will grow out ov it

  3. thats normal i have a nephew and he did the same thing he is just trying to focus on one thing but hasent learned yet  

  4. All babies do that, They are just getting used to using their muscles. He will stop.

  5. he is just playing

  6. my son used to do this all the time. he will stop. his eyes are just like any other muscle. he needs to learn how to control it. once he gets the coordination down he wont do this anymore.

  7. well i guess most small children do that

    i would say its normal  

  8. As time goes by this will go away ..He is learning to control his eyes and everything else..My 1 month old does the same thing but not as much anymore

  9. Young infants haven't learned to use their eyes together; they haven't developed enough neuromuscular control yet to keep their eyes from crossing. This alarms many parents, but by 4 or 5 months babies usually have learned to coordinate their eye movements as a team and the crossed-eyes should stop.

    You just have to wait out, dont worry, for now it is very normal They can @ this point focus on objects for a few seconds So try talking to him and moving him (or yourself) to the left & right to get him to better focus

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