
My 2 month old kitten is sneezing yellow goo and also puking he eating alright what do i do?

by  |  earlier

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my cat is sneezing and puking he was alright yesterday . he eating ok . we are taking him to the vet but i would like to know what does he have




  1. "Sneezing yellow goo" is a sign of infection and needs a vet to prescribe an antibiotic. The vomiting can be any number of things..not usually associated with the URI.

  2. hurry, take the kitten to vet and get a vaccination. it might be infection that  cause wide range of disease symptoms from sneezing to death.

  3. Hi Jus,

    It is excellent that you are bringing your kitten to the vet. A two month old kitten is very young, and if it has not received its first vaccines yet, is vulnerable to many diseases.

    There are so many medical conditions that cause these symptoms that speculation is basically useless. The only way you will know what he has is when your vet examines him.

    The most important thing is to keep his nose clear so that he will be able to smell his food. Cats that can't get the odor of food will be reluctant to eat, and since he is puking, you don't want to overload him with food, either. Baby food, such as turkey and broth and beef and broth are easily digested. Get the brand made by Beechnut, as it has no spices or other additives.

    I do hope your appointment is tomorrow, as vomiting can cause dehydration, which is especially serious in a kitten this young.

    Yellow "goo" is symptomatic of an infection.

    I wish you all the best with your kitten. Keep him warm, and quiet until you get him to the vet tomorrow.


    Owned by cats for over 40 years

    Former breeder of Oriental Shorthairs and Siamese

  4. Well i'd take the poor kitten to the vet. Forget about waiting for someone to answer that question for you on yahoo!

    Good luck!

  5. It sounds like your kitten has an upper respiratory infection. Please keep him warm and wash his face with a soft washcloth dipped in warm water to remove any "goo" from his nose, mouth and eyes. Do not let him come into contact with any other cats in your house, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after you handle him.

    It's good that he's eating, make sure he has access to fresh water as well. Try not to play with him too much, let him conserve his energy to fight off whatever it is ailing him.

    The biggest key ... keep him warm and hydrated!

    Your kitten thanks you for caring enough to take him to the vet!

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