
My 2 month teething?

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My doctor suggested that my two month old is teething already, has anyone else had this problem, and what can I do to make her not in pain. I dont feel any teeth coming out but lately she has been drooling a lot, coughing a little, she hasnt been eating as much and she spitting up. I am pretty sure is this a sign of teething but just in case what do you think?




  1. my daughter started teething at 6 weeks so I feel your pain lol.  Ask your ped if you can give her anbesol and the anbesol nighttime--they are great--as are those water filled teething rings---buy like 5 of them and keep them in the fridge then rotate them so she always has something cool for her little gums.  Also watch for fever, teething fevers like to flare up between 2 and 4 pm-keep the motrin ready (always with a ped approval)

  2. in the natural section in most stores, they have teething tablets, they are all natural and they worked well for my son! he was teething early too, I also got him a lot of teething rings, and other toys that he could chew on, also baby oragel is good but they don't like it much!! at least my son didn't! If she is having a hard time at night, you could talk to your doctor about Tylenol for nighttime, but for the most part i stuck to the teething tablets and baby oragel until he was older then our doctor had us use childrens ibuprofen (i freaked at first!! but he told us that we were to only give it to him when he was having a really bad time and the ibuprofen cuts down inflammation in the gums which Tylenol doesn't) it worked much better but when we did that he was over a year old, and cutting teeth was horrible!

    anyway I would definitely go for the tablets and oragel, just look at your local store they have all kinds of things for teething! good luck!

  3. Yes, its possible. My Daughter started teething when she was 3 months old, and her 2 bottom teeth appeared when she was 4 months old. Teething has been TERRIBLY hard, and very painful for my daughter. There is not a whole lot you can do that helps for long amounts of time, but here is what helped my daughter, and still does:

    - Frozen Waffle

    - Frozen Teething Rings

    - Frozen Washcloth

    -Cold Juice or Formula

    -Hylands Teething Tablets

    -And my DR told me if she gets REALLY fussy, she may have Infants Tylenol. ( Ask your Dr about this)

    -Baby Orajel

    Good Luck

  4. My nephew started teething at four months old. And now HIS son has started teething that early.  To help with the spitting up, try reducing the ounces by a couple. Like if your baby usually eats 6 ounces, try giving 4 ounces at a time.  He/she will eat more often but it helps not to upset an already upset stomach.

  5. my nephew started teething almost right away also. At 4 months, both of his bottom teeth came in. Now he is 7 months and is getting 4 teeth @ one time, the two top ones and the bottom ones next to the first two. I take care of him everyday about 9 hours a day I literally spend more time with him then both of his parents. I give him the humphree pills I give him 3 @ a time and rub it on his gums. The doctor said its natural and you could use it as much as you need.
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