
My 2 pups have just been stung by wasps being a bloody bank hol vets are 5 times more expensive ....?

by  |  earlier

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is there any thing i can do? i got told to bath them in vinegar and have done to relieve the sting. one has been stung alover the body the other in the mouth.please help me !!!!




  1. If possible, remove the sting with tweezers. Then apply a baking-soda paste. Cold packs (ice or wet cloths) will help to relieve the pain and swelling. Calomine lotion will ease the itching. If the swelling persists a few days, take the dog to the veterinarian. The dog may have an allergic reaction.

    Hope this Helps

  2. everything Robert said but no calamine for the one that got stung in the mouth

  3. Had a quick look in one of my books and confirm as robert G says.

    Only really wanted to add - be really careful depending on the quantity of stings. Poor dog must be really uncomfortable.

    You may need to go to the vet anyway for pain relief.

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