
My 2 year old betta got popeye and I treated it with melafix and it went away but still isn't eating .

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What should i do? It is floating near the top of the bowl.




  1. then it hasnt gon away completely . kepp the water CLEAN. if he is in a small bowl, then change the water every day. give it another day. you can try a salt bath but DONT leave him in too long because itll kill him.. try live foods like ,mosquito larvae. if you cant get live foods take the betta pellets,cruch them but not into powder, just broken a bit, and give it to him. they should start to sink. when they sink he will think it is a larvae and eat it.i had to do this with mine when he got popeye too

  2. Popeye is a bacterial infection caused by poor water quality and stress. If you keep it in a bowl, your best bet is to get a 5 gallon tank (male betta should have 3 GALLONS to themselves), cycle it and keep your fish there. Remember to change the water often, especially if your betta is in a bowl. If you don't change it regularly then ammonia will build up causing stress and poor health, and if it builds up too much, it causes burns.

    Otherwise, change the water every day with dechlorinated water, use Stress Coat and continue treatment for the bacterial infection as directed on the box. Feed the fish meaty foods, like frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp to condition him back, and wait and see.

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