
My 2 year old bites himself when he gets angry? how do i stop it?

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My 2 year old bites himself when he gets angry? how do i stop it?




  1. get him mouth gaurds

  2. slap him hard and when he does that say no. it will stop he will learn that is bad.

  3. My daughter was pulling her hair out for a while, but I ignored it and it stopped. It was hard to ignore because she would have handfuls of it, but I forced myself not to react.

  4. put hot sauce/ nailbiting polish on his arm  legs..... or let him bite himself so hard that he starts bleeding and then h**l stop or spank him

  5. Get him in anger managment.

  6. try to talk to him or give him something to play with!!

  7. try giving him a toy or talk to him if he bite himself

  8. I hate to say it but let him learn a lesson and feel how bad it hurts, unless he bites chunks.

    Good Luck

  9. IGNORE IT.  my kids used to head bang and after a hurts.  they'll learn on their own.  the more attention you pay, the more they'll attempt to get it.

  10. Kaysee is right.... It's a phase and probably will pass, but for now you're going to have to take his mouth away from his arm when he's about to bite himself again.

    And to add to her answer- DON'T use hot sauce like some people are telling you! It's dangerous!

  11. it could actually be a sign of autism - self injury in children....

    speak to your doctor.

    otherwise he'll learn he's being stupid and it hurts. he'll stop.

  12. yeah, my 1yr old brother bangs his head on the ground when he's angry.

    it's a phase and probably will pass, but for now you're going to have to take his mouth away from his arm when he's about to bite himself again.

  13. my son used to hit himself and pull his hair out when he was angry, around the same age... i would hold his arms down and restrain him for a couple of minutes; not hold him hard or hurt him, but just firm enough to where he couldnt get away from me. he would start crying and want to get down and i wouldnt let him, not until he calmed down and i could talk to him. hes 4yrs old now and doesnt do that stuff anymore, you could try that, it worked for me.

  14. Put some hot sauce wherever he bites himself and when he bites himself. Hopefully he'll learn.

  15. I had a similar problem with my 2yr. old son. When he got angry or upset, he would bang his head on the closest thing to him. Needless to say, he had a few goose eggs on his forehead. During one of his check-up visits to the pediatrician, I told him about this problem. He said the best thing I could do would be to ignore it. It wasn't easy, but i tried it. He banged for a few times more, but when he saw no reaction from me,it soon stopped.

    My advice would be to bring as little attention to the situation as possible. Good Luck !

  16. Let him.  BUT take him to a behavioral psychologist ( your pediatrician can recommend one)  to see if there is a potential problem.   Meantime...offer distractions...a snack...a toy..whatever. Cuddle him as much as he'll permit when there are possible quiet moments. LOVE will help. Good Luck and God Bless!

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