
My 2 year old cat has red bumps surrounded by dry skin and bald spots. What could cause this?

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Our vet said that they were hot spots, but they look more like pimples. Not like the hot spots my dog gets. Her hair is also really thinning out and her back is pretty much bald.




  1. Description

    An allergic reaction following exposure to antibiotics applied to the skin; metals such as nickel; materials such as rubber, wool, and plastic; and chemicals such as dyes and carpet deodorizers; or inflammation caused by irritating substances such as poison ivy. Generally requires multiple exposures.


    Red skin and small bumps or blisters on the areas of skin that are sparsely haired and directly exposed to the offending substance, itching; hair loss in chronic conditions


    Patch test, exclusion trials


    Restrict exposure to the allergen or contact irritant in the cat's environment; steroids, antihistamines

    Allergic contact dermatitis occurs in cats as a hypersensitivity reaction to certain molecules in the pet's environment. Irritant contact dermatitis results when the skin is exposed to noxious substances in the environment. The symptoms and biologic mechanisms involved in these two diseases are similar so they are often discussed together.

    What is allergic contact dermatitis?

    Allergic contact dermatitis is a rare disease which occurs when an animal's skin overreacts to certain small molecules in the environment. Substances which can cause allergic contact dermatitis include certain antibiotics applied to the skin; metals such as nickel; materials such as rubber or wool; and chemicals such as dyes and carpet deodorizers.

    What is irritant contact dermatitis?

    Irritant contact dermatitis occurs when the skin is exposed to severely irritating chemicals, such as the sap in poison ivy and salt on the road.

    How do these two diseases differ?

    Allergic contact dermatitis only affects those animals with a hypersensitivity to the molecule. Irritant contact dermatitis would affect every cat that is exposed to the irritant.

    Allergic dermatitis requires multiple exposures to the molecule before it develops. It rarely occurs in animals less than two years old. Irritant contact dermatitis often occurs in inquisitive young animals who get into things they should not.

    What are the symptoms of allergic and irritant contact dermatitis?

    Lesions generally occur on the areas of skin that are sparsely haired and directly exposed to the offending molecules. This often means the back of the paws, abdomen, face, and lips. The affected areas are very red, have small bumps or vesicles (blister-like lesions), and itch. In irritant contact dermatitis ulcers may appear.

    How are allergic and irritant contact dermatitis diagnosed?

    The history and physical exam can often indicate what is going on. To isolate the allergen (molecule that caused the dermatitis), exclusion trials are often performed. In these trials, the animal is restricted to an uncarpeted room and kept off of the grass, for instance. If the animal's condition improves, potential allergens are slowly introduced one by one.

    A 'patch' test can also be performed. In this test, a small amount of the allergen is rubbed on the skin, or a gauze pad containing the suspected allergen is bandaged on the pet's skin. The skin is monitored for 2-5 days for a reaction.

    How are cats with allergic or irritant contact dermatitis managed?

    The key to managing this condition is removing or restricting exposure to the allergen or contact irritant in the pet's environment. If that is not possible, then fatty acids, antihistamines, biotin, and topical shampoos can be used to control the itching.

    As a rule, for any pet suspected of having an allergy problem that could include an allergic contact component, we recommend:

        * Glass or stainless steel food and water bowls, cleaned and rinsed well daily

        * Hypoallergenic detergents for the pet's bedding

        * Routine hypoallergenic shampoos for the pet to remove any allergens

        * Restricting walking to sidewalks or paved surfaces - avoid grass

  2. WOW poor cat.....but am sure the vet knows best....but when in doubt get a 2nd opinion....pick up the phone book and call veterinary hospitals and ask them they give you answers for free.....and most advise to take animal in but since you are just wanting to know what it is you really don't need to since you already did take it to the vet.

  3. On a person that would be ring worm but  a cat I dont know

  4. My cat got something like that and it turned out to be because of the stinking carpet freshener I was using.  I guess it irritated her skin.  I stop using the stuff and the problem went away.  I don't know if that is what is wrong with your cat, but if you are using powdered carpet freshener you might stop using it for a while and see if that helps.  Good luck.  Hope your kitty gets better.

  5. Get another opinion from another vet my dog was like that and it was because she was allergic to her yearly needles.

  6. sun burns on her back with molting time mixed in she may need to be treated for the sunburns but you can put a little coat on her like a rain coat and she will be fine once she goes outside DO NOT PUT HUMAN SUNBLOCK ON it will give them a disease

  7. could be ringworm maybe? are there visable  patches in circles? brown flakey skin?

    if so then ringworm is poss...

    can be sorted with creams and tablets.. its contagious tho.. so be careful!  

  8. mabe it got attacked by another animal or someing a vet should look at

  9. It sounds like an allergy to maybe fleas.  

  10. allergies

  11. I would think it is allergies to fleas.  I have had a lot of cats & dogs that get that way when they get fleas.  Make sure the cat is properly treated for fleas and spray her bedding and anywhere she usually sleeps with flea spray.  You could try asking your vet if there are any ointments or something that you can put on these spots to make them go away too.

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