
My 2 year old cocker spaniel has trouble getting up but walks around fine looks like his back legs or hips ?

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My 2 year old cocker spaniel has trouble getting up but walks around fine looks like his back legs or hips ?




  1. Its probably artharitus, you should go to the vet, normally there is nothin much you can do but you can buy shark cartilage tablets to give them.

    but seriously SEE A VET, your dog could be in pain.

  2. You should ask immediately bring your dog to the vet ASAP. It seems serious.  

  3. it may be arthritis...the getting up stage hurts the most, then the pain goes away as they continue walking on it. Check with the vet tho :)

  4. i think  you should ask your vet this, it sound pretty serious.

    could you answer mine please.;...


  5. As a general rule, mobility problems need investigation by a professional.  And especially at only two.  If he's having trouble getting up he's probably in pain, so that alone should get you to the vet.  Hope it's something comparatively simple.

  6. this sound serious, you should go check the vet.

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