
My 2 year old crys in his sleep has anyone else experienced this with there kids?

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My 2 year old crys in his sleep has anyone else experienced this with there kids?




  1. Yes. My 2 year olds used to cry in their sleep if they needed a wee. It took me a few days and a few wet beds to realise!

  2. Aww! Bless him...isn't it awful! MIne did and still does sometimes (shes 4 now)...I just gently wake her and tell her..."It was a dream...Im they get older they understand more.

  3. Around that age, kids start experiencing what the experts call 'night terrors'. I wouldn't worry about it, it's a normal stage of development.

  4. My daughter did that once, and it just so happened that next day her baby brother had a well baby visit.  I was telling the pediatrician about it and he asked if he could look into her ears.  She had an ear infection and was just crying about the pain, but still mostly asleep because she was so weak and tired.

    During the day she had no complaints, she was playful and eating and drinking just fine.  She was about 2 1/2 when this happened.

  5. yes im glad its not just me my boy is 4 now and wakes up every couple of hours mumbling and shouting i get up and ask him whats wrong but its like im not there hes always been a bad sleeper now hes at an age where i can ask him whats wrong he tells me he has bad dreams god knows what you can do to stop this from happening but i would kill for a decent nights sleep  

  6. My son who is also two has these at least once a week. He will just cry and cry and sometimes I don't even think he realizes he is doing it. I just rub his back and talk softly to him. I talked to his doctor and she says that unless he is hurting himself or others not to worry they will tapper off in time. I know it can be scary and also frustrating when it happens at 2 in the morning. I hope this helps, good luck.

  7. Generally kids cry because of dreams or because they have to do something they do not want to like waking up or wanting to pee. Mine used to start crying or rather slight sobbing everytime before he had wake up. some 20 minutes before he was actually awake. Kids may cry because they are feeling cold or warm

  8. yes, my son does and hes only just turned one but its not a usual cry, its as if he is dreaming, makes me wonder what has happened to make him dream this way, its quite worrying but i just try and put my hand on his belly until he settles, sometimes just knowing someones there can help or if its really bad i pick him up and give him a strong cuddle but without waking him this always works for me.

  9. Its called a Night tremor. My son does it 3 - 4 times a night. Be crying. Sometimes in hysterics and then he will just fall back asleep and not remember a thing about it.  

  10. My 4 year old nephew does this sometimes.  He gets night terrors and cries and screams in fear but he is still fast asleep.  My sister just goes and sits with him and hugs him tight so he doesn't hurt himself thrashing around. It usually only happens if he is coming down with something and the doctor said he should grow out of it.

  11. Yes, my ex had a son who would be sleeping while crying it was due to stress

    We would have to hold him while he was crying/sleeping but he wouldn't wake up so we would turn on sesame street to help him wake up out of it

    Night Terrors are usually caused by stress or various sleeping places

    He was always moving from our home, to his mom's home (but she moved a lot) and the grandma's home so it was unsettling for him which led to crying in his sleep  

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