
My 2 year old daughter has diarrhea, can I give her chewable pepto besmol?

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My daughter is 2 years old and was around another 2 year old with throwing up and diarrhea. I don't know if I can give her chewable pepto besmol or not. She is getting plenty of fluids inculding pedilyte. She isn't interested much in eating. I don't know what to do till she can see the doctor. Any ideas?




  1. See if she'll eat a grill cheese sandwich, Crackers and cheese. The cheese will slow down the diarrhea. The bread product should help settle the stomach. Good luck. Give her a hug. It will proably pass before you can get to see the doctor. It will should take two serving cheese to help.

  2. black berry juice will also stop it.

  3. No Pepto. If she was around a kid with a virus, Pepto will do nothing for her--especially if she's puking. As long as she's getting fluids, she's fine.

  4. Call an ER doctor if the regular doctor's office is closed. They will give you the answers or they may even have your doctor call you.

  5. Bananas, rice, white bread, milk, cheese and apples are all foods that will help "bind" her up, so the diarrhea will stop.  Go easy on the apple juice though, as this can exacerbate the issue. Plenty of water or Pediasure too. (I would check with her doctor in a few days if it does not go away.) Good luck!

  6. You can give her 1/2 a table spoon of pepto. Thats what i give my daughter and she just turned 3, and weights 27lbs. It seems to help her. Good Luck

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