
My 2 year old doesnt want to adapt?????

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I just moved to Texas from Minnesota about 2 mths ago. My 2 yr old daughter seems to not want to adapt to her new environment. I am currently staying with a relative until I get my own place in a couple of months. Yes father is still in the picture and is here with us. Anyways, I notice that my daughter is on her worst behavior ever. Her sleeping pattern is completely out of wack, she literally only sleeps 2 hours a night. She likes to sleep during the day. I have tried EVERYTHING to try to keep her awake and tire her out during the day, and at night she still only sleeps 2 hrs. She doesn't want to eat very much either, cries and screams for no apparent reason. She's not in pain, she's just being real bratty. I just feel like she doesnt like it here and I'm seriously thinking of going back to MN because she has never been like this. I know it takes time to adapt to a new environment, but this is a bit to much now. Any suggestions any1?




  1. **** texas who went to live in texas

  2. It's not your daughter...she is a toddler, barely more than a baby, she isn't a mineature adult so stop expecting her to act like it.  The world she was used to has been torn out from under her (this is how she sees it) She is going through "the terrible twos" (a normal phase for toddlers).  YOU have disrupted her home life so of course she is going to have trouble adapting.  My suggestion is that you either take classes in parenting or pick up some books about moving when it comes to toddlers because you have no clue.

  3. Sorry, but only time can tell.  Give it a month.  If she can't snap to, you'll need to relook at all your options.

  4. when you get your own place offer her a chance to decorate her own living space and just make everything about moving seem as fun as possible good luck :)

  5. Take her out to adventures around texas so she can get used to the environment and enjoy it. Im sure it's hard for her being away from home and not seeing her friends so if you can-- arrange playdates with the new kids so she can feel comfortable around them.

  6. talk to your DR

  7. Young children are creatures of routine, and her routine was seriously interrupted. Things will most likely settle down when you get your own place.

    She's not used to living with relatives, and she may be distrustful of them because she doesn't know them. She doesn't understand the concept of "move."

    Once you are in your own place, Fix her room exactly like it was, get her into a daycare so she can start interacting with other kids, and do everything on schedule - eat at the same time, bath at same time, bed at same time, etc.

    Once she learns that this is her new routine, she will embrace it and settle down, but until you establish said routine, she will be unhappy.

  8. When my parents moved me from california to florida I also had trouble adapting and i could not sleep at all. I found myself crying for family members. So maybe it could be possible that she misses someone from the family or maybe she isn't sure about her new enviroment. I must admit from the childs' point of veiw moving is a really hard thing to put on children, they have to leave their friends and some of their family behind. It might take your daughter a while to adjust but, i would take her to see a child therepist just incase.

  9. Some pediatricians say it will take six months for a child to adapt.  When we moved ~ still in same state ~ it took my 18 month old twins about 4 months to get back to "normal"

  10. Put her on a strict routine and don't be afraid to scold or discipline her if she is being bratty... not that you are, but it wasn't mentioned. I have a son who is the same age, and we moved a couple of months ago. He seems to have adapted fine after about a week of what you're going through.

  11. try playing with her and stay with her all day and when she wants to go to sleep dont let her make her really tired. and if shes being bratty just lock her into her bedroom and leave her ano until she calms down.

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