
My 2 year old drinks over 8 pints of fluid on a normal day sometimes more??

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is this normal?

I took him to the doctors this morning who donne a finger prick test and said the result was normal?

I have just read elsewhere that the finger blood test is not a diagnostic tool?

Should i go back for a second opinion or ask for further tests?

He is constantly thirsty and wee's loads n loads???




  1. Those are two key symptoms of diabetes.  It doesn't mean he has it but you should be on alert.  You can get a normal or even slightly elevated test result back on a BG reading.  We did.  Gina's sugar was only 200 when they tested her in the ER and they advised to discharge.  Luckily I pushed back and we were diagnosed correctly.  So it can happen.  You're your child's best advocate.  

    Watch him carefully for worsening of these symptoms and also funky smelling breath and pores, labored breathing (for no reason), unexplainable sleepiness and ultimately projectile vomiting.  Call his pedi right away, even in the middle of the night with these additional symptoms.

    Another idea is, if you like, you can test his ketones.  They're non-prescription urine strips and they should be negative.  If he's newly diabetic, they'll be thru the roof.  If he wears a diaper you can tap his wet diaper with the strip (can't be a one that's contaminated with fecal matter though).  Call your pedi if your reading is positive.

  2.      Toddlers have a higher water ratio to their composition than adults do.  Therefore, they need more fluids to stay hydrated.  And if he is drinking alot, then he is going to urinate alot.  Does he have any other symptoms?   Does his breath smell like fingernail polish remover?  Is he exceedingly tired all the time?  Is he urinating more than he is drinking?  Alot is not a real specific term.  Is he vomiting?  Does he seem to be having difficulty breathing?  If the answer to all of these is no, then he is probably just rehydrating himself.  If the answer to these other symptoms is yes, then you need to have him rechecked.

  3. well  what can i say  - a  finger prick test for  blood sugar reading is a pretty good  start to  see if you need to  do further tests. for a child at such a tender age one does not want to put him/her through to much traumar  of having to many big sore needles when you can have a small finger prick, check the sugar levels if they are high well then you may do a fasting blood sugar levels *I'mm not sure if they do them on kids that young.

    and as for drinking the 8 pints of fluid if your child is in fine health and has no kidney disease  all that fluid  will not harm your child it will do greatbenefitt to your child in keeping your child  from getting sick and will keep them well hydrated. All fluid that goes in must come out some how !! - wost case scenario is a few wet pairs of pants and a few wet beds over night  all can be fixed with a waterproof mattress protector. I myself personally drink about 1.5 liters of water a day and in summer time i drinkaboutt 2 liters to 3 a day but that is an adults body not a kids


    by andy  

  4. The finger test would show if he had excess sugar in his blood and it was obviously negative.

    As he drinks a lot he will wee a lot.  Take a clean specimen to your surgery to be tested just to confirm there is no sugar present.

    If he is otherwise healthy I shouldn't worry.

    A thought, is he eating lots of salty stuff - crisps, savour biscuits, bacon, cheese etc?  these make one thirsty.

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