
My 2 year old female cat hates my new 3 week year old male kitten.. what do i do?

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I have already a cat that's 2 years old, ive had her since she was a few months old. She's really friendly and loving but not with other cats and i just bought a new kitten at only 3 weeks old and he's a male kitten and my cat hates me and the kitten i really don't know what to do she hisses at me and the kitten i thought if i introduced them then they might like each other but when i get them to meet each other the older cat just hates it and hisses all the time and after when i try to cuddle the older one she bites me and hisses at me. How do i make them get along i really want them to get along. I had no idea that you had to separate them at first ive been keeping them in the same room since the kitten came which was 4 days ago. is it too late to separate them an will my cat ever get use to the new kitten. how long will it take because now my older cats hardly eating and she wants to be outside even in the rain or when shes home shes always sleeping in the places the kitten hasn't walked on and she doesnt even go to her own room anymore since the kittens stays there. today she came in her room for the first time after the kitten had entered in our home and she saw me feeding the kitten milk in a bottle that i got from the vets and she was horrified and now shes always away from me and the kitten.... what should i do???




  1. She'll get over it.  Just give her time.  

    We found a 5 week old and my girl was angry and my 1 year old boy reacted terribly.  The boy ran away and hide for about a day, then hissed at the kitten the next day, but after a few more days he was fine and they became friends and play together a lot now.  The girl wanted nothing to do with him until I gave him a bath (just with Dawn and I had to since he was infested with fleas).  All those cats came from outside in the same area, so maybe his original smell produced bad memories. At very least he didn't smell right at first. Things were easier after the bath.  It's over 5 weeks later now and my girl seems to think the little one is her baby and spoils him rotten.

    I didn't introduce them properly either.  My floor plan is really open and there just aren't any ways to separate them.  So far they all still get over it.  Since I have 6 cats, I think that's pretty significant.

    Don't get upset with your kitty, it's natural to be angry about a newcomer.  Once she's sure that there's still plenty of attention and food for her she'll start to calm down.  If she tries to seriously hurt the baby then separate them, otherwise it's fine to let her be grumpy, it's all part of getting over it and making sure the baby knows it's place.

    good luck!

  2. She'll get over it.

    Let them both have space they can escape to and space they can explore each other without being trapped and in each other's face.

    Cats are territorial.

  3. This could take weeks or months but they will usually learn to tolerate eachother.

    Keep the kitten confined to certain areas of the house and leave the rest of the house to your older cat. Make sure they can sniff eachother through the door if they want and spend extra time with your older cat so she doesn't feel threatened and knows you still love her. This will also help her get used to the scent of the new cat since it's on you. You can slowly start letting the kitten explorer other parts of the house when your other cat isn't around and eventually let the kitten roam the house.

    I doubt it will take long for your older cat to adjust because she is so young.  

  4. having a 3 weeks old kitten isnt right to start with, it should be with his mom for 6-8 weeks. Anyway, to solve this problem you should separate the cats for a while. Give your older cat a piece of cloth that came from the kitten's nest or bed. That way she will get used to the smell. When the kitten is a little bigger and stronger simply reintroduce them. Your lder cat is bound to go and make clear to the kitten who is boss. Sometimes it can get very rough, you need to monitor that. After a while they will get used to it.

  5. You have to give it time, My cat had a litter of kittens and my other cat would walk round the edges of the room just to avoid the kittens. Now the kittens are 10 weeks, my cat loves them they play and she looks oout for them if they scream she runs up before mum cat to see if they are ok.

    Get some treats and sit down with your cat to let her know its safe and slowly bring the kitten near and let the cat have a sniff to know its ok.

  6. sqirt her with a squrt bottle if she hisses or atacks or or put one in a cat carrier and let them sniff each other or wipe a wash cloth over each of them and let them sniff it or just give it some time

  7. It just takes time.You do not have yo seperate them

  8. I really do sympathise! ...

    I've just rescued a 12 weeks old kitten, but I already have two 18 month old cats and it's not going too well so far! The male adult cat seems ok until the kitten wants to play and then he starts hissing at it, but the female adult cat hates her! Every time she sees the kitten she hisses and even growls, it's quite scarey, espcially since she's usually such a happy and sociable cat.

    I've had the kitten now for 5 days and it's quite worrying and upsetting seeing the cats so angry and miserable, but I don't want to have to give the kitten away because this is her 4th home already. I've exhausted the internet looking for advice and they all say that it just takes time for them to adjust.

    They are very territorial animals, so just give them all lots of attention and try not to make it seem like you're taking sides.

    Fingers crossed they should be ok after a couple of weeks ... good luck x

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