
My 2 year old girl way at nursery Friday with a boy who was rushed in to intensive care Tuesday is she at risk

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how long after she is exsposed to the infection is she at risk?




  1. depends on what the boy was diagnosed with.

  2. If your child was exposed to something harmful, the nursery is responsible for letting you know, but not for telling you who it was.  For example, in the past when we have had exposure to lice or strep throat, our office sends out a letter to parents noting the exposure, how to look for symptoms, and what to do.

    Usually an ICU admission would be something isolated to that child, such as medical complications unique to that child or an allergic reaction of sorts.

    You can only inquire about the other child, in regards to your own child's safety.  "Is there anything I need to know to protect my own child?"  But expect to not hear any details, due to confidentiality.

  3. No she is not at risk any more than any one of us.

    Intensive care admissions are usually due to intrinsic reasons, something wrong with the person him/herself, not a virus everyone is exposed to.

    It could have been an asthma attack, a severe allergic reaction to nuts for example, or a chocking event (a food stuff stuck in his airway) or a significant fall in which he for example hurt his head and became unconscious. All of the above your daughter cannot 'catch'.

    It is good to be careful and your question is important.

    Rest assured however, and maybe bring in a card for the sick boy on monday. It is unlikely they will tell you what he went in for as this is a (patient) confidentiality issue, but it can do no harm and a lot of good for those parents to receive a little card from your daughter saying she hopes her play-friend will be well soon.

    Good luck.

  4. depends on what the boy had, you best bet is to go to the nursery and ask advice they will be able to tell you this answer

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