
My 2 year old got outside today and someone called the police. they said thet have to contact childrens aide.?

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I'm so afraid. I'm a great mom. can anyone tell me what happens now?




  1. I am so sorry you are going through this.

    Now a days the least little thing can get you into major trouble.

  2. They will probably contact you and ask some questions.  If you have nothing to hide don't worry.  Just be honest and open with then and things will be fine.

  3. For one thing DON'T WORRY!When your child got outside, w/o your knowing it, and  the police  was called, of course Children Services has  to be called, its  just a chain of events that has to happen, it will be ok! Some moms don't care that their kids gets out of the house, and runs,(but you're different) the Children Services will see that,when they come, they'll probably ask you how the child got out, and explain it to them truthfully & honestly!Tell, them how you feel, afraid, and worried, but when they see how well, the child is normally taken care of that will be it;YOU HAVE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT! If it keeps bothering you turn it over to God, He knows what kind of mom you are, and is very proud of you, so don't worry anymore! When the police gets a call, you know they have to answer it! And even if they know its innonce they still have to get in touch w/Children Services. Its just a routine check, you'll be fine!

  4. You might want to do some "preventative maintenance" and secure the door with an up high latch.  When your caseworker shows up, let them know you were freaked out by it and took extra steps to ensure it does not happen again.

    They'll make notes in their book of your positive actions and move on to the next case.  SHOW them you really do care and are concerned.

  5. How did he get out?

    If you were a great mum, you wouldn't be thinking "I'm a great mum." You'd be thinking "OMG my kid could have been killed, how do I stop this happening again?"

    Edit: A LAWYER? HARASSMENT? So you'd rather the neighbours had simply ignored a little child wandering alone in the street, then? Lovely neighbourhood you must live in.

  6. It depends on how long your 2 year old was outside. About 15 years ago I WAS that neighbor who called the police. At like 11 am on a cool weekend morning there was a toddler playing in the parking lot outside my apartment. we watched her for like 15 minutes playing there in a soggy diaper and  t-shirt. then we brought her in the apartmant, called the police and fed her some mac-n-cheese while we waited for them to get there. The whole thing took more than an hour and NO ONE came looking for this child. in the end the apartment manager had to come and tell us who she belonged to.

    now my 2 year old plays outside without me, but I have the front door open and check on him like every 10 minutes. we live out in the country, so there is like NO crime and all the neighbors know my son.

  7. I would contact a lawyer, because this constitutes as harassment.  Who is to say, you were not watching him from the front door.

  8. According to law it is your responsibility to ensure the child is safe, AT ALL TIMES.  Failure to do so constitutes neglagince rater you say it was an accident, or you just dosed off for a second, it doesn't matter.  Those few seconds are when the child gets hit by a car, drowns, or something else horrible.  This child is clearly in a harmful environment and should be placed elsewhere.

  9. Children's aid will contact you and you will need to explain what happened.

  10. they took that WAY out of hand there was no reason because if your a good mom you would have noticed answer there questions it will be ok

  11. they will probably evaluate you and your child and probably have a few pop-up visits but if u r a good mother like u say u r (not saying ur not i kno things happen) u should have no problems just try to keep a closer eye on him, and they will probably ask what u were doing while he was out side, i would either get my lies strait now like i was in the bathroom and he was sleeping when i went in Or just tell the truth, its "supposed" to set u free

  12. They will refer it and a worker will come out and talk to you and if your son was old enough they would talk to him too.

    Calm down I'm sure your a great mom -

  13. Well, if youre as good as a mother as you say then how did your toddler end up outside?  Good mothers know that toddlers are very quick, busy, inquisitive, non-reluctant, and vulnerable and must be on top of things at all times...even when they are asleep.  Youve gotta watch him more closely to prevent something from happening that you will blame yourself for, for the rest of your life.  Good Luck.

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