
My 2 year old is driving me mad! He doesn't listen. What do I do??

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My son is 2 almost 3. I know he's in the terrible 2's but this is ridiculous. He won't pick up his toys, sleep in his own bed, he hits, spits and throw things. He's constantly getting into things. I don't know what to do. We've tried time-out He just sits there and screams the whole time. Someone please help before I go crazy.




  1. Most people try timeouts as an alternative for spanking. Sometimes they get great results or it may not work period. Here is some tips I like to use from my site.

    The Timeout Shelf

    Instead of putting your child in timeout, place the child’s favorite toys in timeout. Find a safe place your child can not reach and you are ready to begin trying this tactic out. Whenever your child miss behaves or throws a tantrum, simply take a toy away and place it in this spot. Let the child know the toy will not come down until they start listening and following your directions. If after the first five minutes the child refuses to stop, place another toy up on the shelf. This exercise will take a few tries but your child will eventually grasp an understanding.

    Take Away Privileges

    Let your child know that every time they misbehave they no longer get to do or have something they enjoy. I have tried this with the kids I nanny for and it truly works. For example: Take away their tv time for the day, any music privileges, special video games they play, certain fun outings that are planned, and etc.. When the child starts to associate their bad behavior with losing these privileges, they will slowly start following your directions. This particular tip took me about a week and a half before I saw results.

  2. well, lots of time outs for as many minutes as he is old, eventually worked for me. If he wont pick up his toys take some away and tell him he has to help pick them up or mommy will take them away, and do it, empty threats get u no where.its ok for him to cry, scream,w/e while hes in timeout, as long as he stays until its time to get out.when u let him out explain y u put him there in a way that he will understand!

    stay with it it will get better, GL!!

  3. Spank his butt Show him you are the boss !!!!!

  4. Well, my two year old throws horrible temper tantrums as well, and whats really embarrassing is when we are out in public somewhere, and he gets mad and starts screaming and hitting and kicking me and his dad and little brother.  I have found out that what works best at home is to put him on his bed (our time out spot) and tell him that he is in time out until he can stop crying and calm down and play like a big boy. When he is done acting out, then i immediately let him up to play again.  That way he knows that i am not punishing him but the behavior. It works like a charm now, and the waterworks turn off almost immediately.  Out in public i just very calmly count down from five, and then he gets a spanking in front of the whole store. its amazing what a little embarrassment does. I also ignore the dirty looks, because it works, now he mostly stops when i start counting.  

    Also make sure you encourage his good behavior.  Most of this is an attention getting attempt.  Make sure that you pay attention and reward him when he is playing nicely, talking quietly, and being sweet.

  5. you need to tell him No!!! he has to understand no means No!! take away his toys make him sleep in his own bed even though he cries if he hits or spits(i cant believe he does that )time out let him sit there and scream take him out of time out when  he stops crying

  6. Imagine that attitude at the age of 8, 12 or 16.  If you let this go then you will have a bigger problem on your hands later. And when you give into him then you will teach him to give into peer pressure later.  Don';t raise your voice or do the counting thing, that is only bad parental training.  If you want a great responsible adult then you need to do the training.  It takes training, think long term and what kind of attitude you want. Many people mention that they have strong willed children or busy boys, but those are excuses for poor behavior.  I know a family with 10 boys and they are busy but respectful and obedient.  Just avoid Dr Spock and get some good old fashioned discipline ( discipline is not just spanking but teaching in love and character training).  You can try a religous site called with Michael and Debi Pearl, they have a book  called "To Train Up A Child" .

    You don't have to be religous to implement the ideals in the book but you will enjoy your son and future children and others willl be able too!

  7. I have been there many times and still there.  My son is 4 and daughter 3. I used to get so frustrated and want to run in another room. I found that ignoring the negative behavior really works.  When he is acting out or trying to seek your attention negatively just stop talking to him or turn the other way.  You will see he will want your attention and start acting in a positive way.  Don't yell or scream speak gently and ask him to clean up his toys, if he says no then ignore him.  My kids pediatrician gave me this advice and it worked for me.

  8. Nanny 911.

    Seriously though, I cannot even imagine how annoying that may be. Remember, as a 3 year old, your only goal is self preservation. Sounds like he needs some SERIOUS discipline. If that doesn't work out, maybe he's in pain? I doubt it, but if you must, have him checked out by a doctor.

  9. Yeah- they are little wild animals each with different issues. If he's actually sitting in his time out you're doing great.

    Redirection is a good tool to use but it gets harder to pull off as they get older.

    Have you seen SuperNanny? She makes the parents put their kids to bed 33 times. In a couple nights it works but that's after you've gone insane. We spanked my son when he kept doing it and it worked.

    Picking up his toys? I think you're shooting a little far for his age. I'd try not to stress about that.

    Pick your battles- that's how you don't go insane!

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