
My 2 year old only says 4 words and will not say them regulary. She has her own language. Should I worry?

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She listens and understands everything I say such as "pick them up" or "shut the door" but she wont speak. When she does speak its random and will go weeks before saying it again. She also repeats a lot of actions such as dumping things out and putting them back? I am worried its a sign of autism but everything I have found on autism does not exactly pertain to her. Any advice would be great.




  1. You should definately have her screened by early intervention, it is free and there is no referral needed.  If she qualifies (and she will) she will get speech therapy.  I have been through this and it is great.

    I have 2 sons that are autistic spectrum.  All are different, but both my sons are mildly afflicted and at 2 neither of them understood what was being said.  They were both speech delayed, and did a lot of repetitive narrow interest behaviors.  This is a screening tool that can give you an idea of what qualifies as autistic behaviors.  It is a good idea to bring to early intervention to make them aware.

    On this assessment my middle son had a score of 49 at only 9 months, he was dx by the neurologist as autistic spectrum disorder at that time.  My oldest now scores a 54, but at his highest scored a 68.

    EDIT I agree with Boogeywoogey having a speech delay and some repetitive bx is not very significant as far as autism goes.  Autism is way bigger than that.  The understanding of speech (receptive language) is not something that is seen very often in autistic kids.

  2. It sounds a little like Autism like you said. I would get her tested - but all in all I wouldn't worry all that much about it. She's only two years old! But I would check her for autism with your doctor, better to be safe than sorry.

  3. I am surprised that during her two year old doctor check up they didn't discuss this with you.  Fewer than 10 words at this age can be a problem.  Not necessarily autism, but possibly just a slow speech development that may need speech therapy.  If you didn't talk with the doctor about this, I would make an appointment to discuss your concern immediately.  The fact that she understands you is good.  The time between 2 and 3 their speech grows tremendously, so she may quickly catch up, but I'd still have her tested so you can help her catch up more quickly if necessary.  Also - how far along 2 is she?  24 months, 28???  There is a huge difference between my son's language at 23 months and now at 33 months.  Enormous.

  4. It may not be autism, but she may have a speech delay, so here's what you do,

    If you have over $200 an hr to spend, go see a speech therapist at the hospital.

    If you don't, call your local PARENTS as TEACHERS and see if they can help you get FIRST STEPS into your home. First Steps does not allow just anyone to qualify. There has to be a real delay. IF she does qualify for assistance through them, they will send a speech therapist to the house. If she doesn't qualify, they will put you on the right path.

    It sounds to me though that she is like my son was. He had 2 years of speech therapy and now, well, he never shuts up.

  5. it sounds more like OCD to me. talk to ur family doctor and perservere.

  6. I would say it isnt autism...I know my niece is 2 and she doesnt talk much either....but my daughter is 2 and says 6 word sentences...all kids are different...are you or your husband quiet people? that could be part of it! Does she have any friends that talk in a "language" also?? That could be part of it too!! Also I recommend making her talk if she wants a drink make her say it, if she wants a toy make her tell you! Dont give her stuff if she doesnt say it! I would definitly speak to you dr if u try all you can and she deosnt improve any... Good luck to you!

  7. Talk to your pediatrician. It could be a number of reasons.  

  8. First of all, I'm BEYOND sick of people who say every case of speech delay is due to autism. That can't be further from the truth.

    Secondly, you won't have to take her to a hospital for therapy, nor will you have to spend $200/hr for therapy.

    Every child in the US is entitled to free speech therapy through early intervention programs. Your pediatrician can refer you.

    Third, don't let anybody tell you "she'll grow out of it"; not even the pediatrician. I can't tell you how many parents have been told that only to find out their child is a year behind!

    Your child nay be as much as 6 months behind in her speech development. Get her evaluated!

  9. my daughter who just turned 4 did this same thing.  She didnt talk because my son (older by almost 3 years) always said everything for her so she didnt havethe need to talk. I put her in the headstart program and she is now doing alot better.  once your child sees an actual need to talk she will.

    or you could talk to a dr or speech therapist

  10. My youngest is 3 and used to say 4 words. Ma, Dadda, Mine, and No. After she had survery she went back to saying Ma, now nothing at all. Her pediatrician suggested going to developmental specialist to see what the deal is, if its just her being her or a problem. She acts like she cannot hear but we had her tested and she can hear fine. She likes to hum every thing, and I keep thinking if she'd just drop that lower lip, maybe a word or two would pop out! :)

    I have an appointment in September to get my little girl evaluated. I am hoping it is just her. At least your child listens and understands. Mine understands 'come here' and listens half the time. She definatly knows the word no. Just talk to her pediatrican, see what he/she says. Good luck!

  11. You could probably get her tested for autism?

    If she doesn't start picking up different words and using the regularly, you can always take a speech class? You should try to catch those types of things early, my cousin has speech problems and she is five or six, and they're just now putting her in speech therapy. Catch it early if you think that might be the case.

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