
My 2 year old screams when i put him on the potty, what should i do?

by  |  earlier

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my son has showed me that hes ready to potty train he takes his diaper off to poo and takes him diaper off as soon as he pees.. he looks at me and says oh no if he pees in his big boy underware. but he screams if i put him on the potty. i have even tried differant pottys and sitting with him but ive gotten nowhere




  1. give him a reward after he uses the potty.  like m&ms

  2. A couple of questions:

    First off - do you let him come to the bathroom when YOU have to go? He might need to see that the toilet is "safe" and that it's something mommy and daddy use regularly to go potty. Kids like to mimic, so take advantage of that.

    Second - when are you putting him on the potty? He may be screaming because he doesn't have to pee and doesn't want to sit on the pot.

    I have taken a very non-traditional path for potty training (what is called EC - Elimination Communication) so I don't have a lot of advice or experience with "traditional" methods such as rewarding with m&m's etc, but I would think these tips would be helpful - I hope! :)

    My 6 month old uses his little potty a few times a day and he lets me know if he doesn't need to go by fussing and trying to stand up. When he does need to pee or poo he usually sits happily until he goes while I hold him.

    Someone earlier suggested you let your kiddo run around naked so that he HAS to use the potty. This might also be a good idea, especially in the summer while its warm enough!

    Good luck! I hope it gets sorted out :)

  3. smack him jk its ganna take time for him just wait until hes ready

  4. say u would give him candy only if he sits down on the toilet, thts wht my mom had to do w/ my brother

  5. get him the elmo goes potty dvd.  kids do whatever their favorite character does

  6. my son got 1 skittle when he peed and three when He pooed it took alot of trips to the bathroom cause he is candy crazy but he learned in about a week then the trick was to get him to stand up so i just started letting him go outside then when he was in the house he was standing up the whole process took about 2 weeks but once he got it he has had only 1 accident he doesn't even pee the bed so i got really lucky when they are ready they will just do it

  7. Maybe start off with doing something fun like putting fruit loops in the water and telling him to aim for them when he pees...

    Or go to the store and let him pick out a cool new picture book to look at when it is potty time.

    Good luck! Hopefully it will all be over soon, and you can look back and laugh at it all.

    Try to snap a picture of him while he is screaming and crying just for cute memories :)

  8. Dr. Spock types would just love me for pointing out the obvious. Let him scream. He'll get over it. Plenty of generations went through the same thing without it s******g them up.

  9. Have you asked him what the problem is? I know he is only 2 and cannot articulate complex feelings that well but you can at least ask him what is going on.  Is he scared? Is the seat cold?

    You can also try rewarding him for sitting on the potty.  Maybe give him an M&M if he sits? Then you can make a game out of it.

    That is a difficult situation! I don't have kids myself so I don't have much first hand experience to offer.  Sorry!

  10. You have to make him realize its a big-boy potty, sit there with him the first few time, and the only trick ive gottent to work is when hes done give him an m&m or small candy and h**l be exited to go.

  11. well it looks like hes just scared on the bigger toilet! id just wait a little longer and for now just keep him on the little potty trainer

  12. If you think he is ready but is afraid, then why not take him out and let him choose his own potty? get two in fact, get one for his favourite toy and take the toy potty every half an hour, but do the mommy "mock-instruction" voice  "Ooh but you don't have to sit on your potty, we'll wait a little bit until you don't get upset, then you can sit as good as teddy (or whoever), isn't teddy clever? I bet teddy would like a sweetie for doing so well!" I bet he's on it before bedtime.

    Who wants to be outdone by a toy? lol

    Let him go naked for a day while you work on it too, that often helps, I bet if he starts peeing you could say something like "Oh quick baby! sit down, I've still got the sweeties right here! you can have one before teddy eats them all."

  13. We went through this--so frustrating. I finally just gave up, and left the potty in the living room, and all of a sudden she just started using it one day. About two weeks later. I bought her some stickers before that, and let her decorate the potty, and had her baby doll pretend to use the potty. Then  did the whole cheering thing after. So I don't know if that is what did it, or she just wanted to use it on her own terms. All the potty training books give advice on "signs a kid is ready" but they never say what happens when they won;t sit on the potty. Patience is all you can do. You don't want to force him, or he'll really hate the potty. Just be prepared to clean some messes, and when he is ready he'll come around. Best of luck

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