
My 2 year old still has diarrhea???

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My daughter had an ear infection, so they put her on antibiotics. She started getting diarrhea after 2 days of being on the antibiotics. She has been off them since Friday the 11th. Is the antibiotic still in her system you think? Or could this be another condition unrelated to the antibiotics? She has a doctors appointment tomorrow, a follow up for the ear infection, I just wanted to know some opinions...




  1. It isn't that the antibiotics are still in her system, it is only that they did their job: to kill bacteria.

    Unfortunately, antibiotics are selective against the "good" and "bad" bacteria in the body. The bacteria (one type is lactobacillus acidophilus) that are in the digestive tract were very likely killed by the antibiotic.

    A tincture of time is one part of this. Making sure she is well hydrated is another. To help her body along, you can use the "BRAT" diet (Banana's, rice, applesauce, and toast). These will help "bind" her up a little. More important would be recolonization of the bacteria, and there are some yogurts that have "live cultures". These yogurts help repopulate the bacteria into the gut.

    Remember, these bacteria help us in digestion. Without them, the p**p is very acidic and runny.

    Good luck! I'm sure you and her will work through this!

  2. Of course take the doctors orders, meanwhile until your appointment - have her eat breads and bananas - they help to harded the stool.

  3. the meds could be in her system for up to a week after, tell the dr, next time he could give her something more gentle

  4. Definitely talk to her doctor.

    Make sure she gets a pro-biotic like yogurt in her system to replace the good bacteria that the anti-biotics killed off.  Also, my family swears by blueberries for diarrhea, I found this online...

    "Blueberries can help relieve both diarrhea and constipation. In addition to soluble and insoluble fiber, blueberries also contain tannins, which act as astringents in the digestive system to reduce inflammation."

    They sell Wyman's Wild Blueberry Juice, at all the supermarkets here.  Check if yours carries it.

  5. it could be medication or it could be a little bit of Gastroenteritis "gastro" if you said she is sick ....i find my son tends to get gastro when he gets something like an ear infection too...try not to worry ...keep her hydrated (clear fluids or ginger ale,apple juice, water) or some pedialyte..not much else you can do and you said you are going to the doctor anyways

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