
My 2 yr old child walks and stands oddly complains of pain.?

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please help my 2yr old has always walked and stood alittle oddly.she has complained of back and leg pain for many months.I have taken her to her pediatrition and he sent me to a orthopedic.this man saw her sense she was 6 months old.she first had what he called windblown feet.know that she is older she stands tilted and walkes with a slight hobble.we have done xrays.they first said she had a tilted pelvis but the two doctors dont agree.then the ortho told me that she had a spinal colum that was calapsing.this freaked us out so we took her to see a specialist.she has freqeunt high fevers and obveous back pian.the specialist spent 8min with us and said that she is fine.he didnt want to see our pictures that our pediatrition told us to take.he said that sum kids even though she is young can just stand lopsided.I dont know were to go she has an obvious leg discerpincy.when standing straight the back of her nees the line behind them dont line up and she wakes up in the night in pain




  1. You don't have to accept a doctors findings even if the doctor has been labeled a "specialist".  

    If you already have a pediatrician and a pediatric orthopedist that don't agree on a diagnosis or curative treatment for your daughter, then I would go back to the pediatrician and get another referral to a "different" pediatric orthopedist.

    I would not trust the advice of anyone who performed an 8 minute screening, didn't look at any of the photos, and then offered me a ridiculous explanation of, "some kids just stand lopsided".

    Get another doctor to look at her.

  2. go back to your gp and get an appointment with a different orthopedic.

    one who specialises in toddlers

    check the net to find a good one

    be prepared to travel for the best service for your baby

  3. After you gave birth to your daughter, did the Doctor check her hips? It is commonly missed and can result in hip displaysia...........I would go and see another Doctor and get another referral to a specialist that will listen to your concerns with your daughter.

    My little sister had hip displaysia and she had lots of trouble walking and hip and back pain too. But this may not be what is wrong with your daughter. Please keep trying to get someone to take you seriously.

  4. Definitely at least one of those doctors is not very bright. If you have a specialist childrens hospital in your state, take her there.

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