
My 2 yr old daughter does not take medicine through mouth, spits everything out, is there any other way?

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my daughter only drinks milk with cereal through bottle and she is 2 yr old, she takes milk 4-5 times a day, is this enough nutrition?




  1. 2 year olds should have NO bottles. She will soon have no teeth. No more milk, only food. No bottle at all.

  2. Before you read my answer please consider that my son is only ten months old.

    I had to put my son's medicine in a tiny little medicine bottle that Wal-Mart has in the baby section.  When he got a little older I started putting it in one of his nipples without the bottle attached and it worked great.  You could also mix it will a little milk.

    I would try and tell your daughter that the bottles have to go to a baby that needs them now.  That you will have a bye bye ceremony and then the bottles will go away to babies that need them.  But once you take the bottles away keep them away.  She might throw a fit but remember this is temporary and will pass within a few days.

    Before the ceremony you might take her to the store and let her pick out her own big girl cup.  

  3. definitely not enough nutrition. should have a balanced diet with necessary minerals and vitamins. she's only having calcium from the milk and carbohydrates from the cereal in her diet. Did you ask her why she spits out her food? some kids are just picky or fussy. Had the same problem with my eldest, so I just make every meals prepared a little 'colourful' by adding coloured vegetables like diced carrots, green peas. Anything to enure that he eats. If this continues, maybe you should see a doctor. No kids would like medicine, instead of spoon fed her, maybe try the syringe, ask her to hold it herself and push the medicine in slowly at her own time.Good luck!

  4. hmm, she is 2 you said?  I think its time for some tough love, you need to take the bottle away, no matter how hard it is on you and her.  Right now she has the upper hand and control.  Give her milk in a sippy, when she throws her tantrum just firmly let her know that the bottles are gone and this is what she is going to have to use it.  

    She should be definitely be eating other things, i am not saying starve her, but you need to cut down on her milk consumption, no more cereal.  if she is hungry and knows that you wont give her the cereal, she will be forced to eat.  I know she is your baby and you love her, but you need to do this, she is too old to be drinking cereal through a bottle. she should be at the dinner table eating the same foods you are.

  5. Well in my opinion my 2 yr old son sometime does the same but he usually takes the medicine on his own, and milk is good she still needs her milk shes a baby but yeah no bottle my son got off of that at 10 months. use sippy cups that are as close to a bottle they will get use to it. no milk at night because it will mess her teeth up try water at night but if needed just give her milk but the milk u would drink if u were eating cereal. as far as taking her medicine try using a syringe  that they would give u at the pharmacy c if she takes it by her self but u do it with water first just to show her. .  then see if she follows if not sometimes i have to hold my son down and the doctors show u how to hold his mouth and put the syringe to the far right or left of the teeth and just force it. good luck sorry so long.

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