
My 2 yr old daughter has suddenly seemed to have lost appetite.?

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she especially does not seem to like rotis and rice.even apart from that also she does not seem to eat anything with interest as she used to before.she also does not seem to be putting on much weight .in fact she is quiet thin.but she is very active pls tell me if this natural.also tell me apart from papaya which other fruit is good for her whenever she has cold and cough




  1. normal two year old, she will eat when she is hungry.  I have a two year old girl who is exactly the same eats like a bird.  She is tiny, really active.  Sometimes I swear she eats nothing, other times she eats a little bit.  I don't know how she survives, but just keep offering the food and keep healthy choices where she can reach.  Like fruit bars, granola, cereal, fruit (lots of my happles end up with these cute little bites out of them.  I started telling her bunnies eat carrots, or monkeys eat bananas, or princesses eat ....  I sneek stuff in like fruit smoothies with yogurt.

    I have a older son who is 5 and he eats like a horse.  Empty pit.  I understand where you are coming from,  it is just in her genes. Don't worrytoo much.

  2. Yeah, sounds like my daughter who is almost two! She has always eaten small portions compared to others her age and is very active and her weight is stable but not going up in a curve on her chart. I try not to worry as she IS happy and healthy looking.

    She is starting to get picky on eating certain things, breakfast is most difficult as she goes off cereal and doesn't eat toast and she USED to like strawberries, they were her fave,  but now she won't touch them nor hardly any other fruit (she loves veg though, esp sweetcorn and peas). Perhaps they develop their taste at this age as well as realise they can say no and have a choice!

    Just find what she DOES like and (so long as its not unhealthy like chocolate) give her plenty, even if to you it seems boring to give her the same stuff all the time!

    Also eating in the company of others (like at playgroup) seems to encourage them to eat things they won't at home, esp if other children are eating things. I often get new ideas of what to try by watching what she eats elsewhere.

  3. that is normal because a little kid like likes to eat when she wants

  4. its normal maybe shes jus losing her appetite. but if you want to be sure take her to her local phycisian

  5. It's normal. Toddlers, and even some older kids, go through phases of seeming to not eat anything or grazing just a little bit at a time. She should go back to eating normally soon, but you can offer her food as often as possible. Try keeping a little of some bite-sized non-perishable foods out all the time when she's awake, where she can get to it when she's hungry. Also, if you're worried about her not getting nutrients, buy some different flavours of Pediasure and see which she likes best. Buy some and keep it in the fridge for her. It's high in calories, proteins, and vitamins, and it'll give her some nutrients, if she'll drink it. If you have a hard time getting her to drink it, maybe try giving her a little reward of some kind when she drinks a whole or half bottle.

    Citrus fruits - lemons, lime, orange, grapefruit - are good for colds. Honey is good for a cough, and it's okay for her to eat, since she's over a year old.

  6. its normal all kids go threw this just make healthy snacks are avaiable and keep liquids in her dont worry about it she will grow out of it and if she loses weight i would than take her to a doctor

  7. continue to feed her 4 small meals and provide healthy snacks in between.  she needs lotsa water and rest time.  this is normal.

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