
My 2 yr old outdoor cat has been having coughing and wheezing fits. I don't know the cause or how to help him?

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My 2 year old outdoor cat Louie has been sneezing more than usual lately, and in the past few days, he has been having coughing and wheezing fits, like he is about to vomit, but nothing comes out. My family and I are very concerned about him and would like to know the cause of his problem and how to help him.




  1. If it's worrying, then have him checked out. Otherwise he may just be full of fur if it's summer where you are. Our indoor cats have been sneezing and coughing more lately after swallowing lots of loose fur all summer.

    If it doesn't seem serious, you might just try Petromalt or some other hairball remedy first. We just usually wipe a gob of it across a foot and let them l**k it off. It seems to have improved things.

  2. OK......My sister's cat has the exact same symptoms. She took it to the vet,lord and behold the cat has asthma.The cat now gets prednisone shots and breathing treatments .

                    Good Luck with your cat !

  3. Most likely, he has allergies. worst case, he has something stuck in his mouth or throat. either way, get him to a vet.

  4. You should take him to the Vet.  He could have a lung or heart problem.

  5. Vet please.

    And indoor kitties are healthier and live longer than outdoor kitties.  

  6. i wouldnt wait around asking people on here whats the point , just get him to a vets

  7. There are several highly contagious diseases your outdoor cat probably has.

    feline viral rhinotracheitis

    feline calicivirus

    feline chlamydophila infection

    First the cat contracts fcv which induces respiratory tract infections.

    If you dont take it to the vet, say bye bye!

    Treatment is vaccinations.

    next time get your feline vaccinations before so it doesnt suffer.

    I am not sure if they can vaccinate if he has gone for too long untreated, if it is just a respiratory infection antibiotics from your vet should be enough, but if you dont take care of it it will develop into worse problems.. good luck with your poor kitty.  

  8. He may have a foreign body trapped in his throat eg could have tried to eat a wasp, nettles etc or may be continuously be chewing on a toxic plant or flower of some kind when he is outdoors, or may simply have hairballs. See the vet if this persists.

  9. take him to the vet. he could have a respiratory illness. My cat had that, i took him to the vet, they gave me some pills, 2weeks later he's good as new!

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